Hold on Till May by Pierce The Veil

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A/n: So I just wanted to say that I'm doing this song in parts, If i get good feedback I might keep doing it this way... So yea just comment which way you prefer!


"I can't take anymore" - Derek

You were in your room studying for the big finals coming up. You were studying for your Chemistry final. See chemistry was the hardest subject because Mr. Harris is a jerk and loves to fail you thanks to twin older brother Stiles. See although Stiles is a very bright kid he gets 'side tracked' in class. And also Mr. Harris is just a dick to begin with. Now back to the real problem, learning the entire periodic table. You sat reading your notes from the previous Chemistry class when your thoughts drifted off to another problem. Derek Hale. Ever since that one night when the 'pack' was having a movie marathon. You may have had a tiny crush on the emotionally constipated blue eyed wolf. Seriously who couldn't, he had that bad boy look but once you got to know him you would see that he is a softie. You and him also may have cuddle a bit that night. Not that Stiles knew, Stiles would kill Derek and you if he knew. See even thought Stiles was in the same pack as Derek he still didn't trust him when it came to certain things (a.k.a being around you). But Stiles didn't stop you and Derek from dating, secretly of course. It has been about 3 weeks and you just wanted to tell Stiles and get it over with. But Derek didn't want to. You don't see why its that big of a problem, yea Stiles is very rude and mean but come on Derek is a bid scary werewolf, a tiny human isn't going to do anything but say a few mean words. You kept thinking and thinking about your dilemma when you noticed someone outside your window. You got up and walked over to it. You looked through the glass and saw Derek smiling at you.  You obviously let him in. He climbed through the window and wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned down and kissed you lightly and then hugged you. You were glad he was here but the idea of having to sneak around kept running through your head.

"Um Derek, I want to talk to you about something..."

"Yea anything babe, what's on your mind?"

"Well it's just that I don't like keeping things from Stiles and I just want to be open with the pack about us."

"Y/N you know I don't want to right now."

"Yea...I know its just... ugh never mind."

"No say it."

"It's just I cant take it anymore, I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want instead of waiting for the pack to leave, or wait for you to randomly knock on my window. I don't care what Stiles thinks. I love you and I want to be with you."

Derek just looked at you and smiled. You tilted your head to the side a little in confusion. He walked over and whispered in your ear "Stiles knows." You looked up to him confused, "What?" Derek made a motion for you to look behind you, Stiles was standing in the doorway smiling at you. 


Teen Wolf PreferncesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora