Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab

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"Get out your guns, battle's begun." - Argent (In this one everyone is still around and healthy)

The whole pack and a few others were standing around the room listening to Argent give us the rundown. "Ok, so Scott, Isaac, and Boyd will go to the school. Derek, Y/N, and Erica will go to the Sheriff's station. That leaves Allison, The Twins, Liam, Kira, and Lydia. We'll go and search the woods." "What about me?" Stiles asked not hearing his name in the plan. "You need to get somewhere safe" Stiles rolled his eyes "I can help. Let me do something" Argent looked at him and and the group "Go to the station and help out there. "What ?!? No, He isn't coming" Derek protested, while I did the opposite. "We need all the help we can get," he looked at his watch then back to all of us "It's time get out your guns, the battle's begun." And with that we all left to out assigned areas and gave em' hell.

"Don't you know you're everything I have?" -Stiles

Breaking rules is something you are known for, so when you boyfriend told you to stay home you were surprised he expected you to do that. Stiles had told you to stay home and that the alpha pack was making a move tonight. So you did the complete opposite, you followed Stiles to some abandoned building. You sat in your car until you heard banging and screaming. Grabbing your bow and strapping you're gun to your side you ran in. The site before was not was you expected, you're friends were getting their asses kicked. Derek was laying down off to the side and Scott was fighting for his life. You decided to start taking shots at Kali, which ended with you getting thrown to the side and beat. You must've passed out because when you woke you were in the jeep with Stiles staring down at you. A look of relief flashed across his face when he saw your eyes fluter open. "You scared the hell out of me! Never do that again, I told you to stay home!" "Stiles calm down. I was trying to help." You sat up and got dizzy, leaning on Stiles for support. "Why do you never listen? Don't you know you're everything I have? If you got hurt I don't know what I'd do" Reaching your hands up to his cheeks you pulled him in, you're lips connected and all the passion you held for this spastic boy was shown. You rested you're forehead on his, looking him in the yes "Stiles I love you, I'll try to listen next time" He smiled at you "Let's get you home" he said pulling Roscoe in gear.

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