Skyscraper by Demi Lovato

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➖Skyscraper by Demi Lovato Teen Wolf Song Quotes

Scott: "Skies are crying, I am watching catching teardrops in my hand. Only silence as it's ending."

You were in Scott's arms as he held you. It was raining and all you could see was Scott. He was crying pretty hard now. You were just pushed and almost killed by one of the oni. Scott was almost positive you were going to die in his arms right now. Everything around the two of you was silent. The nogitsune was just killed and you and Scott both knew the fight was over.

Stiles: "I awaken and untangle you from me."

Stiles was awoken by a ray of sunshine beaming threw his window. He sat up and looked around. This wasn't his room. He thought for a good minute and remembered last night. He felt a sick feeling in his stomach he had a one night stand with y/n. He untangled his leg from yours and quickly put his clothes on. He walked out the door wondering how he could have done that. His best friends girlfriend!

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