Life of the Party by Shawn Mendes (please read A/N!!)

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A/N so I noticed I have 1.04k reads on this story thingy and idk if that a lot but it looks like a lot and I wanted to say thanks to all the amazing people who read this. I have thanksgiving break coming up so I'll try to write a few things. No promises. But I'll try. Like I mentioned I'm going to a concert Wednesday!!! Anybody else going to the BVB and Falling in Reverse concert?!?! Anyway back to this story thing, I'm gonna write one with quested from the song Life of the Party by Shawn Mendes. If anybody doesn't know who he is you need to stop reading for a few seconds and watch the video above. And for anybody who does now him. I give you a high five!✋👏. I'm not sure if emojis appear on computers... Comment below if I should keep this only boy characters from the show or if putting the girls in it would be a good idea! Enjoy!

Scott: "So when it gets hard, don't be afraid"
You and Scott were in the midst of a battle against the Alpha pack we you got knocked down. You hit your head hard against the concrete floor. Everything started to go black and the last thing you remember is Scott picking you up and carrying you somewhere. "Will she be okay?" "She should but I want to keep her here for a few hours." "Okay thanks." You defined the first voice to be your best friend Scott's. The second one was the unknown one. It was 1 of 3 options, Derek, Dr.D, or some other random person, possibly Melissa. Nothing matter all you knew is that you had to make sure your friends were okay. You sat up quickly, too quickly. A hand, you soon realized was Scott's, was on your shoulder in seconds. "Hey y/n how do you feel?" "Um-fine." You said looking at him and smiling slightly. "Well you can't leave for a few hours." you hate hospitals their boring, they smell weird, and the food sucks. you sighed and looked at him pleading with your puppy dog eyes. "No stop. Don't give me those eyes. I can't let you out my mom will kill me." You jutted your lip out. "Ugh, I hate you sometimes. I'll go talk to her." "Yay, love you Scotty." he mumbled a sound letting you know he heard you. You gut up once he left and went into the bathroom, noticing the clothes sitting for you. You changed quickly. You sat on the bed and waited for Scott. The door opened and you looked over excepting Scott. But you were partially disappointed. Scott was their but he was being held by his throat by Aiden. That when the flashbacks from the fight started. Flashback: You and Scott were taking on the twins Ethan and Aiden when Aiden grabbed Scott by the throat. "He precious get your friends to stop or I'll rip his throat out with my teeth." Your breath hitched, you couldn't loose your best friend. "Aiden let him go, he's the only one who can get them to stop. If you kill him they won't stop at all." Flashback over: "Y/N look at me." Scott choked out, you glanced over to your best friend who was struggling to breath. "When it gets hard don't be afraid." 'how can I not be afraid?' You asked yourself. You thought for a second, took a deep breath in and charged at Aiden. The element of surprise made him let go of Scott. You both then pounced on him and you smiled in his race. "hey Aiden, I guess you won't need this." You said as your hand went to the center of his chest and ripped out his heart.
Derek: "Together we can just let go. Pretend like there's no one else here that we know"
Your best friend Derek and you were at a bar outside of town. Your boyfriend of 2 years cheated on you and it hurt. Derek hated seeing you like this so he thought of the only thing that would help, he'd get you drunk. And that's why your sitting at a bar with a drink in front of you. You quickly picked it up and chugged it down, enjoying the burning sensation in your throat. After a few more rounds of gods knows what yours and Derek's song started playing. You both smiled at each other. Derek started dancing but you didn't. "Why aren't you dancing, it's our song." Derek asked confused. "What if someone we knows walks in?" He grabbed your hands and rubbed his thumb across the back of them. "Y/N together we can just let go. Pretend like there's no one else here that we know." And with that sentence said you pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you." You mumbled before dancing like a crazy person on crack.
Isaac: "So don't let them keep you down."
You were sitting in the janitors closet again for the 5th week in a row. Everybody was just so mean. Your parents left you with no message or note. They just packed up and left. Everybody was saying that they didn't want you, that you were a lost cause, your parents were to embarrassed to be seen with you or known to be related to you. The first few weeks you didn't believe them but as the days and weeks passed you realized they weren't coming back and all the things they were saying we're probably true. All of your so called friends left you, they couldn't be seen with you. You were friends less until today. Today a boy with beautiful blond curls opened the closet and looked at you. Not the girl whose parent didn't love, he looked at the girl who was broken and could use a friend. Truth was he was alone too he needed a friend just as much. He sat down and closed the door. He leaned back and opened his arms. You probably shouldn't just hug a stranger, but you really need a hug. He pulled you in and stoked your hair. It was overly calming. He leaned down and whispered in your ear, "don't let them keep you down." You looked up into his blue eyes and for the first time in a while you smiled.

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