Holy by Florida Georgia Line

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" you broke through and saved me" - Isaac Lahey

You could tell by the look on his face that he was going to change. You leaned over whispering things like "Isaac calm down", "It'll be ok just breathe" and "Ignore them, focus on your anchor" but nothing was working. You reached under the table and grabbed Isaac's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Look at me, Isaac" He didn't move, you knew he was to focused on the twins making remarks in the back of the room. You grabbed his face turning it to you so he'd make eye contact, "Isaac Ignore them, think of me, think of anything but them." You gave his hand another squeeze and could visibly see his chest rise and fall, quick and rapid at first then becoming slower and more stable. He looked back at you, eyes back to his normal color, "Thank you Y/N, you broke through and saved me".

"tell me you're never leaving" -Derek Hale

The night had been amazing, he had always seemed broody and hateful but he has shown you the other side of him. Being apart of Stiles and Scotts little friend group wasn't the best way to move up on the social scale but you would never choose two other friends to be around. Those two boys didn't help much with the dating side of things either. A guy was never good enough in their standards but I chose this one and wasn't letting anyone tell me different. 

~~Few Hours Earlier~~

"Hey Der..." You stopped walking into the rundown house to see Derek doing pull-ups in the door way. He jumped down standing in front of you with sweat rolling down his torso. "What do you need Y/N" He said with that typical grumpy face and attitude. "Um, I was looking for Scott and Stiles, guess they're not here. So i'll just go.." You turned and walked back to your car but not before taking another look at the shirtless beauty standing in the doorway. He smirked at you as you drove away.


You had gotten a text from Derek earlier asking you to meet him at his house. Confused and curious you drove into the front-yard of the Hale House. It was dark and no lights seemed to be on. You nervously got out of the care, curiosity turned into fear as you walked up the porch steps. One knock. Two knocks. Three. Before you could knock a fourth time the door opened and you saw a beautiful Derek Hale standing in the doorway motioning for you to enter. "Hey, um You texted me?" he smirked at you, "Uh, Yeah I wanted to hang out?" He said as a question, like he was unsure of what he actually wanted. "Oh, thats sounds fun, Whatcha wanna do?" He looked around thinking as if he didn't believe you would say yes. "Movie marathon?" He questioned, eyebrow raising slightly. "I was hoping you'd say that" you laughed" What movies you got?" He let out a sigh of relief and led you to the surprisingly modern living room. He pulled out 4 movies, The Maze Runner, The Internship, Harry Potter Full Series, and The Hangover. Looking over the options you decided on watching the Harry Potter Series, it would either lead to you being here for a while or coming over to finish the series. Derek put the movie in and sat down on the couch. You sat next to him, it wasn't a large couch and put your feet underneath you. You could feel his gaze on you occasionally through out the first movie. After pressing play for the second movie you curled up next to Derek and he threw his arm around you. You must've feel asleep during the third or fourth movie because you woke up at 7 am with a blanket and Derek's arms wrapped around you. You looked up to see Derek staring at you, you went to move and apologize for falling asleep on him but he pulled you closer. "tell me you're never leaving" he whispered before kissing you.

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