Pick Up The Phone by Falling in Reverse Part 1

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A/N I decided to put this in two parts so anybody reading these had an update!
Lydia: "Pick up the phone. Answer your texts."
You and your boyfriend were taking a night off from supernatural stuff. It wasn't easy but once your phones were off it got a little easier. You didn't tell anybody about your get away. The two of you were at your secret spot, it was a place that showed the entire town of Beacon Hills. It was truly a beautiful sight to see. As far as the two of you knew no one else in the pack knew about it. The whole night was spent with you cuddled up to Stiles and the two of you talking about future plans and pretty much anything except the fudged up world we live in. It was later when your eyes began to flutter shut. Your head was resting on Stiles chest and he had his hand tangled in your hair. You and Stiles haven't spent time like this in a long time. The both of you fell into a blissful sleep, you were awoken by Stiles moving. You grunted and sat up. "Ugh, why are you moving?" "We have to get going, there is such thing as school you know." "Ughhhhhhhhhhhh, fine." You got up and grabbed your bag, turning on your phone. It started going of, 20 text messages, 25 missed calls, 15 voicemails. Most of them were from Lydia. Out of all the messages one made her laugh the most. Lydia sounded majorly pissed and she said, "If you don't pick up the phone and answer your texts I will kick your little ass!" Stiles had a lot of messages from Scott, one stating that Scott would de-ball him if he didn't answer.
Derek: "You better be alone. No I'm not obsessed. But if I catch you with someone else. You know that I'm gonna be upset."
You and Derek have a complicated relationship. Your not dating, but at the same time your not out with other people. It's truly the most complicated thing in your life. And that is surprising because just the night before you defeated an evil witch who tried killing you. You like Derek but he doesn't want to start anything serious. Hence why your his booty call. Tonight was your night to calm down and have some 'me-time'. Your phone was off and you just lay in bed reading. The clock on your night stand read 10:20. Deciding that sleep was well needed, you crawled under your blankets, shut your lamp off, and fell asleep. You were woken up in the morning by light streaming through your window. Everything seemed peaceful and calm. You got up showered and got dressed. You grabbed your phone and turned it on, and a few minutes after you regretted that decision. As soon as the home screen showed up it started vibrating and making dingy noises. A total of 25 texts, 16 voicemails, 35 missed calls came up.
15 texts from Derek, all reading to call.
5 texts from Scott, some asking if you were okay and some asking you to call Derek.
5 texts from Stiles, some saying to call anyone and some just random letters. Stiles could always make you smile.
10 voicemails from Derek, all of him flipping out. One caught your eye he said... "You better be alone. No I'm not obsessed. But if I catch you with someone else. You know that I'm gonna be upset." That one kinda confused you.
3 voicemails from Lydia, saying that you were a real pain in the ass.
3 voicemails from Allison, all she said was that everyone was worried and for me to call anyone.
15 missed calls from Derek, this came as no surprise since he seemed so worried.
8 missed calls from Isaac.
5 missed calls from Erica.
5 missed calls from Boyd.
2 missed calls from Peter.
This was the most shocking. Peter hated you, yea Erica didn't really like you but she was part of the pack. Peter on the other hand wasn't part of the pack and had no reason to worry about you. After realizing that you should tell them you were alright you called Scott and Stiles first, then Lydia and Allison. Boyd, Erica, and Peter came after. Saving Derek for last, you knew he was going to be mad. You dialed his number slowly. It rang a few times before he picked up.

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