Never Lose Flames by Issues

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Allison-"I needed a blessing but I got a curse"

You screamed in agony as black blood spewed out of your mouth. Derek said the bite would work, he said it would solve all my problems. But obviously it wasn't solving anything. You could hear knocking at the bathroom door. "Hey sis, I need to brush my teeth before school" You heard Allison, your sister, say. "Y-Yea, just hold on" You stumbled around the small room grabbing a towel to hold over your mouth. You tilted your head down as you quickly walked past her. She reached out and grabbed your wrist. "Whats wrong?" She asked trying to meet your eyes. "Nothing I just have to get ready for school." You said trying to break free. "Y/N look at me." You looked up and her eyes widened. "No. No you didn't." She said moving the towel away from your face. "I'm so sorry, Dad doesnt even know. I needed more. I needed a blessing. But I got a curse."

Kira-"Drive as far as you can"

The battle was unfolding infront of your eyes. Looking to your left you saw Derek being thrown to the ground and to your right you saw Lydia screaming while Scott was being thrown through a window. Lastly you looked forward to see Stiles and Kira arrive in the jeep. She jumped out and ran to you. "Go. Follow me!" You did as she said and ran towards Stiles jeep. "Get in." She said pushing you towards the passenger seat. "Stiles" She said trying to get his attention, "Drive, Drive as far as you can. Get her out of here. Get her safe!" She said shutting the door and running to help the others.

Malia- "I'm trying to clean up the mess I made"

"Malia Stop!" You yelled towards you friend. "What?" She asked turning towards you. "What are you doing were supposed to be at a pack meeting., " I'm working on  finding the desert wolf." She said with a look of determination. "This again? Malia you need to take a break from this. Come to the meeting. See your friends, See Stiles! He misses you." She gave you a bitch face and said "No I need to find her" You sighed, "Yea well it doesn't need to take up all of your time!" You knew and argument was bound to start. "I need to finish this. All I am doing is trying to clean up the mess I made." She said turning away from you back to her stack if papers. "The mess you made? You didn't make this mess Malia! She did so why don't you just take a break. Gosh its like you aren't even you anymore!" You said storming out her room and out of her house.

Erica -"You're better off dead" 

You sat at your lunch table with Scott, Stiles, and Allison. The four of you were just having a normal conversation, or so it would appear to others. You were talking about your current supernatural problem. Scott was telling you and Stiles that Derek was going around changing teens. "That's terrible. Has he told them about full moons or the hunters? No offense Allison." "its fine" she said quietly. Scott was about to reply when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Erica, except she didn't look the same. Her whole look was different, teased hair, leather mini skirt and black leather jacket to match. "Yeah?" You asked, she sat down next to you and gave everyone in the group a bitch face. "Derek wanted me to tell you all to back off." Scott looked at her, "That's not going to happen." I said knowing what Scott and possible everyone else was thinking. She just looked at me and gave me a sarcastic smile "What even are you? What do you honestly do to help Scott? Or anyone? You're better off dead. You contribute to nothing." Your face dropped and you stood up walking, more like running, away from the table. You didn't look back you just ran straight out the school doors and towards your car. Not listening or even noticing your friends calling behind you.

Kate- "the world is dark"

The rope around your wrists stung as you tried to escape. Knowing their was no hope of getting free you stopped trying. You turned your head to the right side of the dark room hearing a dark evil laugh. "Dear stop trying you wont succeed." You heard her say, Kate she was suppose to be dead. "K-Kate?" "Of course me, duh, do you think you could actually kill me?" You didn't say anything back just stared at her. She walked closer holding a knife. "So this is how its going to go, I don't kill you as long as you tell me what I want to know." "O-Okay." You stuttered in fear. "What is the pack planning?" She asked holding the knife to your throat pressing on it lightly. "I don't know, they don't tell me the plans." She pressed harder, "Of course they do, what is it?" You winced "I honestly don't know. Scott doesn't tell me. He doesn't want me to try and help. He thinks I'm safer not knowing". Kate pulled the knife away, you hoped she realized you were telling the truth. Cause what you said was true. Scott doesn't tell you the plans. "Can I ask you something?" You asked her timidly. She just humphed in response. You hoped it was a yes. "Why are you torturing me, of all people in the pack?" "You were an easy target." She said simply. "Oh Okay" She pulled over a stool and sat in front of you. "Y/N I like you, you may not believe me at this second. But I've always liked your determination, your style. I want you to know the world is dark and things always will have a bad side." She said not losing eye contact with you.

Lydia- "I gotta figure it out"

You and Lydia sat in silence as she tried to think. "Wha-" You were cut off by Lydia "Shut up." She said still trying to concentrate. You reached across the bed grabbing Lydia's hand. She looked up at you "Lydia you need to breathe, take a small break." She smiled lightly at you, "I know I do but Meredith said my voice can be used as a weapon. I need to figure out how to do that" She said squeezing your hand and then letting go. "Okay." You said standing up, "Where are you going?" She asked looking up to you. "I'm getting a drink and something to eat." You said simply. When you came back into the room you saw Lydia with her hands on her head, shaking back and forth. She was saying something. You walked closer trying to hear what she was saying. "I need to, I gotta, I gotta figured it out. How? How?" She sounded crazy. "Lydia? Hey" She looked up with a blank face. "Lydia you need a break come on." You said grabbing her hands and pulling her up to her feet. "I need to figure it out., "No you need to help me go shopping!" You said excitedly.  

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