Hold On Till May by Pierce The Veil(idk Malia and Lydia I guess.

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A/N: I just wanted to say Allison, Aiden, Ethan, Erica, and Boyd are all still alive and Jackson and Isaac are still there. I just love em all I couldn't get rid of them.

"Darling, you'll be okay" - Kinda Malia and Lydia I guess

You and your best friend, Lydia, were walking through the halls gossiping about the new freshies. You were trying so hard to be happy and act like nothing happened but it was so hard. See your boyfriend of 3 years moved away recently and it was only a week before he messaged you saying long distance wouldn't work. It has ben only a day since you got that message. Lydia had made it her goal to make you genuinely smile at least 5 times. So far she hasn't made you smile once. Well you've smiled but it wasn't real, it was one of those fake ones you put on to make people who aren't close to you believe you're okay. You and Lydia walked up to your usual lunch table and sat down. The whole group was there. Stiles, Malia, Scott, Allison, Ethan, Danny, Lydia, Jackson, Erica, Boyd, Kira, and lastly the newly added Aiden. Yea he was a jerk but you couldn't let him become friendless. Anyway you were sitting there staring off into space when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You followed the arm to see it belonged to Malia. You and her weren't technically friends but you weren't enemies either. She smiled at you and said, "Darling, You'll be okay just smile, soon it will become real." You just smiled at her and thought about what she said. Maybe it was true, maybe if I try to be happy and smile It will soon be the truth. Maybe I can get over him and become my usual happy self again

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