Hold On Till May by Pierce The Veil

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"Of course you can stay here."

The rain was poring down hard now you were wishing you grabbed your coat. You thought back to the previous events. Your dad had come home drunk, again. But this time instead of just screaming at everyone he hit your mom, and then you. You couldn't take it anymore you grabbed your phone and ran out the door. You couldn't figure out how your mom dealt with that for over 20 years. As you were walking down the road there was only one house you could think of to go to. Allison's. Her dad approved of you and she was a close friend. You decided that would be safe haven for the night. You walked up the driveway and rung the doorbell. You were shivering when Chris opened the door. He gave you a weird look.

"Y/N? what are you doing out here?"

"Um something happened at my house I was wondering if I could stay here for the night."

"Yea sure just come in." He said ushering you into the house. "Allison someone's here for you," Chris yelled up to Allison. Allison walked down there staircase and looked as surprised as Chris did when he saw me. Allison didn't say anything she already knew what happened. You followed her to her room. "Hey, um, I'm sorry if I'm intruding I can find somewhere else to stay if you want." You said feeling bad for just showing up on their doorstep.

"No its fine Y/N, of course you can stay here its no problem." She smiled at you and handed you some dry clothes.

"Thanks Alli you're an amazing friend." You said before walking to the

bathroom and changing.


"It gets you down, We've all been there"

Allison had just died and Stiles was back, but none of that mattered. Isaac had left the night Allison died. He said he couldn't stay the pain of all the lost ones was too much for him. You completely understood, everyone loved Alli. And of course her death mattered to you but you couldn't get over the fact Isaac left you when you needed him most. After a week of just sitting around and being sad you decided he wasn't gonna come back and you had to move on. Life wasn't just going to stop while you were sad. So you started off with going to school. The whole pack was surprised to se you. You just held your head high and went through the day. You smiled and even that at some moments. But once you got home you broke. You were balling your eyes out when you heard a knock on your window. You quickly wiped your eyes and opened your window. It was Scott, You weren't shocked when he pulled you into a hug. He rubbed your back to try and calm you down.

"Hey calm down Y/N, I know your sad about Isaac leaving and Allison's death but you need to move on. I called the pack they're on their way." He grabbed your hand and walked downstairs to the living room. You both sat down on the couch, a few minutes later your door bell went off.

"I'll get it." you said getting up and walking towards the front door. You opened it to see Stiles.

"Hey I am here and I brought ice cream!" He yelled walking past you to your kitchen. Next to show up was Lydia. And soon after the whole pack was their filling up your living room. You all were watching horror movies. You felt Scott's arm wrap around you and pull you closer to him. You looked over to him. You saw him looking back at you, he leaned in and whispered in your ear, "Y/N I know it gets you down that you down that they aren't here but we've all been there and we will all help you through it."

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