Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade

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"I have loved you from the start"

You collapsed to the ground looking around trying to find your alpha. You were looking around when everything started to get blurry. You tried standing up but fell back down. As you passed out you heard Scott yell to you. But you couldn't speak or move. You gave up letting the darkness consume you.

(later on)

You woke to voices all around you. You were confused when did Mrs. McCall get to the warehouse? Why would she even be there it wasn't safe. But that's when you used your other senses, you could hear 5 other heartbeats, Scott and Mrs. McCall's voices. You could smell Derek and Stiles and what smelt like too much cleanness. Who was the 5th heartbeat? You studied harder but couldn't put a finger on it. So you decided to just open your eyes. Your eyes fluttered open landing on the 5th heartbeat. Isaac. But he left? Allison's death was way too hard for him. Or so you thought. No wonder you couldn't recognize him, he's been gone way to long. He moved closer to your bed and grabbed your hand. Everyone seemed to disappear when you looked into his blue eyes.

"hey" he whispered even though everyone in the room could hear him.

"Hi" you replied back, a single tear running down your cheek. You missed your innocent puppy(A/N that's what I'm calling Isaac just letting you know). He put his hand on your cheek and brushed the tear away.

"How are you feeling?" Mrs. McCall said interrupting your moment with the adorable puppy.

"M'fine" You replied not breaking eye contact with Isaac.

"lets give them a moment alone guys." You heard Stiles say. Once they left Isaac pulled a chair beside your hospital bed. The two of you just kinda sat there staring at eachother. You broke the silence by asking the one question you've had since the night Allison died.

"Why did you leave?" You asked holding back tears.

"I honestly don't know, I thought that if I stayed I wouldn't be able to live without the whole gang."

"I understand. But why did you leave me?" You asked not being able to hold back your tears anymore.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N I.."You cut him off by saying.

"No don't say your sorry. If you were sorry you wouldve came back months ago. I stayed and I helped my friends and you left. You left me when I needed you most. I lost two friends that night. And it hurt like hell that only one died and the other one ran. I loved you no I love you isaac I always have. I loved you from the start and-and." You couldn't continue, you broke down. You became a quivering and shaking mess. Your tears were falling hard and you were losing your breath. But when he grabbed your hand and moved your head to face him.

"hey hey Y/N breath. Come on breath, you can do it. 1234 in, 1234 out." You followed his instructions breathing in and out and finally after doing that like 7 times you were breathing regular now. You looked up to him and just stared into his eyes whispering 'I love you'.

"I love you too. I've loved you since I saw you walk through those two green doors freshman year.

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