Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade

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"You always thought I was stronger."

You turned just as Scott collapsed to the ground. He wasn't far away but as you ran towards him it felt farther and farther the closer you got. Once you reached him you fell to your knees.

"Scott." You said pulling him into your lap.

"Hey I'm okay." He said smiling up to you. You were about to respond when he started coughing up black goo.

"Babe? What's wrong why are you coughing up black goo?" You asked pulling him closer to you.

"I don't know. Call Derek." You clumsily pulled your phone out of your jeans pocket. When you finally got your phone out you called Derek.

^Phone Call D=Derek Y=You^

D- What.

Y-It's Scott. We were fighting the Berserker's and one stab him in the stomach and now he's coughing up black goo like stuff and I don't know to do.

D-Ok. Where are you?

Y-The school

D-I'll be right there after I get Deaton.

Y-Okay just hurry.

^Phone Call Over^

You hung up the phone and looked down at Scoot. There was no need to repeat the conversation to him, he heard all of it. He heard your panicking ramble and the way Derek's voice went from annoyed to concerned with in seconds. Over the years you notice that Derek and Scott became closer. Derek had warmed up to Scott, They were like brothers. But who in this world wouldn't be friends with Scott. He's the nicest person you ever met. He was after all your boyfriend and your brothers best friend. A hand on your shoulder snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see Deaton with a sympathetic look on his face. You didn't move even though he was obviously waiting for you to. He finally walked to Scott's other side to look at him. You just watched as he checked Scott's wounds.  After a few minuets Deaton said Scott had to be taken to the clinic.

^Skipping ride to the clinic^

You arrived at the clinic and Derek carried Scott into the examination room and put him on one of those uncomfortable metal tables. You pulled a chair up and sat next to him and grabbing his hand. He looked over to you and smiled. Deaton walked in wearing one of those white coats and blue gloves. Deaton walked over and started looking at Scotts cuts. After a few minuets Deaton said he needed  to talk to Scott alone. You got up and left. You waited in the waiting room(lol). You heard Deaton to tell Scott to wait a second then you heard the water being turned on. Of course Deaton knew to turn the water on. You tried consentrating on the conversation but you couldn't hear anything. A few minuets later Deaton came out and told you Scott wanted to see you. You got up and walked in.

"You wanted to talk" You asked walking over and sitting next to your boyfriend.

"Um, yea, Uh Deaton told me some bad news."

"And?" You asked intwingin your fingers with his.

"Im going to die..."

"What No!" You yelled "There has to be something we can do."

"There isn't Y/N. I know you always thought I was stronger but I wasn't strong enough this time."

"no..." you said putting your head onto his shoulder. The two of you just sat there. You crying into his shoulder and him crying into your hair. After a long period of time you felt Scotts hand go slack and all the tension in his shoulder disappear. You started screaming. "SCOTT NO PLEASE NO!!!!" Derek came running in with Stiles behind him. Stiles pulled you into him and away from Scott. You struggled to get free and towards Scott but Stiles held you back. Even though you were a werewolf you were too unstable to even put all your strength in. You just let Stiles pull you into the waiting room.

^1 Month Later^

Its ben months since Scott's death. You haven't been the same since. Sties has tried putting you in a better mood but nothing would work. You lost one of the clsest people  had. First you lost Allison, then Isaac left, and now Scott. You had a hard time even getting out of bed. But you knew one day you will be happy again. You also knew the only day you'd be hapy again is when you are reunited with the love of your life.


Sorry if this was sad and hit you in the feels. Honestly Scott wasn't gonna die till I got to that part. Idk I felt like it fit. But I am sorry if anyone didn't like it. Comment below what you thought. If its good or bad idc. But ily guys. Stay awesome

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