Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey

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"He's my sun" -Derek

When you became a wolf Derek had always repeated the same saying trying to calm you, "The Sun, The Moon, The Truth." It had always worked, every full moon he would sit with me, hold me and repeat those words. So in honor of that you decided to get a tattoo, which huts extremely bad. You had Scott give it to you so it would be a surprise for Derek. That night when he got home you had dinner sat out and ready for him. While you were eating he asked about your day."Well I got something, I don't know how you'll feel about it." He looked at you, "If it's another dog I swear.." You stopped him, "No, No it isn't a dog, it's um a tattoo..." Now he looked even more confused. "Let me see, who did it?" You lifted you're shirt so he could see the tattoo on your back "Scott did it, I wanted it to be a surprise." He looked over the tattoo. "The Sun, The Moon, The Truth",  was all he said before leaning over and hugging you."Even though the moon controls us, you are my sun." You said pulling away and putting your shirt back on.

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