Kick Me by Sleeping with Sirens

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"You sick judgmental fools"-  Liam kinda

You've been the shy one your whole life. Always the one to sit alone and secluded. You barely talked you had nearly no friends. And for some unknown reason everyone hated you. You have been bullied since 8th grade. You've been trying to avoid everyone lately but you were getting sick of hiding.  You wanted to be able to walk down the hall without getting pushed or laughed at. So you decided today you wouldn't take it, you'd fight back. So as yo walked into the lunch room everyone turned and laughed at you. Some guy on the Lacrosse team tripped you causing you to dump your tray of food all over yourself. Your only friend Liam ran over to help you. You pushed him away lightly and stood up. You climb onto a nearby table clearing your throat. Everyone turned to you and a few laughed. "You all think your so much better than me? All you do is put others down. You sick judgmental fools. Grow the fuck up, you are no better than then person you bully. And to  all the others who are bullied and treated like nothing. Stand up for yourselves." And with that you jumped off the table grabbed Liam's hand and walked out. As you left you heard clapping. You turned to see a few people standing up on tables and applauding you. You just smiled and waved.


"You don't know shit about me"- Peter Hale

You were running as fast as you could, which wasn't very fast cause your lazy. Anyway you were trying to get stronger and faster because when your in a pack of diverse supernatural creature you need to be fit and strong.  You had finished your run and went back to the locker room to change. You walked in and grabbed your towel. You walked into the shower and turned on the water. You stepped into the water when you heard a loud bang come from somewhere in the locker room. You quickly grabbed your towel and looked around. "Hello?" You said. No answer. You stepped out and walked to your locker. As you were reaching in to grab your phone and hand went over your mouth. You elbowed the stranger in the stomach and turned around. You soon realized it was Peter Hale. "When did you become so strong?" He asked looking at you curiously. "You don't know shit about me Peter. And why the hell are you here?" "Just wanted to see my fav werewolf." "Fuck off".


A/N: Sorry if there is too much swearing for your liking. But anyway my computer hasnt been working so I couldnt update. Um like and comment. Go check out my Supernatural Imagines. And yea ily all

Teen Wolf PreferncesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ