Afraid by The Neighborhood

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A/N: this was requested by Scottmcallme. This was my first time hearing this song and it was AMAZING!
Scott: "All my friends lie to me."
You and Scott were at your house studying after school when he got a phone call. The caller ID read Stiles, out of curiosity I tried listening in. Scott answered the phone with a smile on his face but after a few words form the other end he started to look worried. He hung up a few seconds later and started to pack up his things. "I'm so sorry y/n but I need to help stiles with something." He said putting his chemistry book in his bag. "Can I come and help?" "Um, no it's something that, um.... Yea" "Scott what is it. I know it something serious and I'm you best friend you can tell me anything." You said trying to get it out of him. Stiles and Scott have both been a little distant and you finally got sick of not knowing anything. "Yea I know that it's not that important." He put his last binder in his bag and started making his way to the front door. "I'll call you later?" He asked. "No." He stopped when you answered. "No?" "Yea don't call me unless your going to tell me what your hiding, and don't say it's nothing. All my friends lie to me, but I would never expect you to. I guess there is always something that can be proved wrong." "Y/n... I can't tell you I promised I wouldn't tell anybody else." "Oh so you told Stiles before me? Huh wow." "He guessed. I wanted to tell you but I was told I couldn't." He took a step towards you and you took one back. "Scott leave and don't call, text, or talk to me until you can tell me the truth." With that you walked up stairs to your room and shut the door.
Lydia: "scream at the top of my lungs."
You and your best friend were having a movie night and there was only one rule. No supernatural related problems. Your best friend, Lydia, was a banshee so she's had a few rough days. And you, well your the strongest beta of the McCall pack. Why wouldn't you be your boyfriend is the alpha. Since your pack just defeated the Alpha Pack you and Lydia decided some girl time was needed. Allison couldn't make it because she had to study or something. Lydia and you were sitting on your bed watching The Fault in our Stars when Lydia started looking around with a panicked expression on her face. "Y/n do you her that?" Lydia asked slowly getting of from your bed. "No I don't hear anything." You followed her as she walked towards your door. She walk all the way down your stairs and out your front door. You quickly followed her. "Y/n they keep asking for help. I don't know how to help them." Lydia started to panic, her breathes become choppier and she collapsed to the pavement. "Lydia calm down, breath." "I-I don't know what to do." Lydia was looking around frantically. "I need to scream, scream at the top of my lungs." She said. "Then scream." And with that Lydia belted out the loudest and most high pitched scream you have ever heard. It took only a few minutes before Scott was here looking panicked. "Hey Lyds, so much for a no supernatural movie night."
Stiles: "When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place."
You were peacefully sleeping next to your boyfriend Stiles Stilinski. But that peaceful sleep was soon disrupted by him screaming. You quickly rolled over and started shaking him. "Stiles wake up. Come one baby, wake up."nothing was working he was screaming so loud. His dad walked in and to say he looked worried would be underestimated. You leaned into m and kissed him. That surely woke him up. You looked over to his dad giving him the, it's-ok-I-got-everything-under-control look. His dad smiled to me and walked back to whatnot guessed was his room. "Stiles what did you dream about?" He looked anywhere but your eyes. His face turned a deep shade of red. "Um, nothing." "Stilinski!" "Fine! I was dreaming that you found someone stronger, someone better looking, someone like you and-and I just felt my heart break, I love you y/n." Tears started funning down your face with every word he said. "Stiles no one is better for me than you. And I don't care that your human, I actually find it incredibly cute." he just smiled at you and leaned in pecking your lips. "How bout we get some sleep now? I'll try not to wake everyone up by screaming." "Good plan, batman. I love you." You rolled onto your side, Stiles wrapped his arm around your waist, nuzzling further into you. And then you fell into yet another peaceful sleep.
Derek: "If you leave then I'll be afraid of everything."
You sat on the steps of his old house. He said he was going to meet you there, he said he needed to talk to you about something urgent. His name was Derek Hale, he was your best friend and biggest crush. You sat there ripping leaves apart, pretty much doing anything to keep your hands busy while you waited. He finally walked up to you, his normal scowl on his face. Once you saw him you ran up and hugged him. He didn't hug you back, instead he took a step backwards. "What's wrong?" You asked worried clear on your face.
To be continued...

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