Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day

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A/N: this was requested by sammarain, thanks!

Scott: "Summer has come and passed."
You were sitting in your room reading a book with headphones on when your window opened and someone came crashing in. You ripped the headphones off and jumped off your bed grabbing your wooden baseball bat that was leaning against your nightstand. The person got off your floor and looked up to you.
Y- you. S-person
Y- Scott? What the hell, there is such thing as a door you know!!
S- Sorry y/n I didn't mean to scare you.
Y- You didn't mean to scare me? You came in through my window with no warning?!?
S- Yeah now that I think about it, that was a stupid idea.
Y- Yup. So what do you want?
S- I wanted to talk.
Y- There is nothing to talk about.
S- What about us?
Y- I told you to give me the summer.
S- I know but is one day really gonna make a difference y/n?
Y- Yes. I needed time and everyday matters. Now can you please leave?
S- NoI won't leave I need answers.
Y- I will get my brother.
S- He already knows I'm here. He actually told me to do this...
Y- STILES!!!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU! Anyway, Scott ask me tomorrow okay?
S- yeah...
With that Scott went to go out the window, before he stopped and turned towards the door. He slowly walked out your bedroom door. Once he left you flopped onto your bed and quietly screamed into your pillow. You looked towards your clock, it read 10:30. You had to go to bed the first day of Junior year was tomorrow. Rolling over and grabbing your stuffed animal you fell into a peaceful sleep. You woke up from a blissful sleep at 6:00. Stiles was leaving the house at 7:00. An hour to get ready. You jumped out of your bed and hopped into the shower. You washed all the necessities, shaved your legs and pits. Quickly getting out of the shower so you would have time to blow dry and straighten your hair. Towel drying off you walked into your room. You grabbed your black skinny jeans, white ruffled tank top, hair straightener, blow dryer, and make up bag. You walked back into your bathroom getting dressed and doing you hair/makeup. It was now 6:45, you quickly put on socks and your black high heels. You grabbed your school bag and ran the best you could down the stairs. Stiles was already down stairs eating a bowl of cereal. He didn't notice you so you walked up behind him and slapped the back of his head.
St- Stiles. Y-You
St.- Omg. What was that for.
Y- Telling Scott to come into my room last night.
St- You guys needed to talk.
Y- I told him to wait till summer was over!
St- Oh...
Y- yeah dumbass! Now if you want to pick Scott up and get to school in time lets go.
You grabbed an apple before going outside and getting into the back of Stiles's jeep. Stiles ran outside and drove as quickly as the speed limit would let him to Scott's house. Stiles pulled into his drive way and honked the horn. Scott came running out of his house and half smiled when he saw me in the back. You looked away not wanting to make things worse. The drive to school was quite and full of glances between Stiles to Scott then you. Then Scott to you. And you to Stiles. When you reached the school you climbed out of the back. Of course before you could walk away Scott grabbed your hand.
Y-you. S- Scott
S- y/n?
S- yes or no?
Y- yes or no what?
S- Summer has come and passed, now it's time to tell me. Do you still have feelings for me?
Y- No, I'm sorry.
Scott let go of your hand letting go of the thing he loved most.

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