When Your Gone by Avril Lavigne

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Derek: "When you walk away I count the steps that you take. Do you see how much I need you right now?"

You and Derek had just got into a fight. You can't even remember what started it. You just knew that it was ridiculous. You watched as he packed a bag. He was leaving. And for good this time. You couldn't do anything, if you tried stopping him he would wolf out and that wouldn't be good for anyone. You looked down at the ground thinking. After a few minutes the sounds of a drawer closing caught your attention. You looked up and saw him walking out of your bedroom door. You quickly followed behind him. He closed the main door behind him and you ran to the large living room window. As he walked away you couldn't help but count the steps he took as he made his way to his black Camaro. You needed someone to hold you and tell you everything would be okay, but the catch is Derek was the only one who could calm you.

Stiles: "And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor. And they smell just like you,"

Stiles and you just broke up and currently you were laying in your bed rapped up as a large blanket burrito. Your were staring at his lacrosse hoody he left on your bedroom floor. You knew he would be coming for his things soon so you did the only reasonable thing. You quickly and very clumsily got out of your bed and grabbed the hoody. You threw it over your tank top. You got back onto your bed and nuzzled into his hoody. It still smelt like him. Tears were starting to brim your eyes, threatening to fall. When they did you quickly wiped them away. You were gonna cherish this smell for as long as you could. Cause when Stiles came to pick it up he wouldn't let you keep it.

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