Afraid by The Neighborhood(Derek)

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Derek: "If you leave then I'll be afraid of everything."
You sat on the steps of his old house. He said he was going to meet you there, he said he needed to talk to you about something urgent. His name was Derek Hale, he was your best friend and biggest crush. You sat there ripping leaves apart, pretty much doing anything to keep your hands busy while you waited. He finally walked up to you, his normal scowl on his face. Once you saw him you ran up and hugged him. He didn't hug you back, instead he took a step backwards. "What's wrong?" You asked worry clear on your face. "It's nothing we-we just can't be friends anymore." Tears started funning down your face. "Derek? Why?" "I can't explain, it's just safer for you and everyone else." You couldn't say anything, the shock was too much. "I'm sorry y/n." "Derek if you leave me I'll be afraid of everything. I can't loose you." "I'm sorry." Was all he said. He turned and walked away from you.

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