Stay With Me by Sam Smith

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A/N: before I start I want to that Scottmcallme for commenting. I appreciate it a lot. So I got a comment saying the first on of this was blank. So I made another chapter with everything the same. Let me know if this one works.

Isaac: "Why am I so emotional?"

Isaac was your best friend and it hurt you to see him like this. His dad just beat him again for the fifth time this week and it was only Wednesday. He called you in tears and asked you to meet him at the usual spot. It was a little cabin you two found when you were younger. You sat in the old rocking chair waiting for him. After a few minuets he came tumbling through the tree line.

I-Isaac Y-You

Y: Isaac what happened?

I: It's all my fault

Y: No it isn't. What did he do this time?

I: I'm failing and I-It's all my fault.

You grabbed his face making him look you in the eyes. His beautiful blue eyes were covered in tears.

Y:Isaac it's not your fault. He shouldn't treat you this way.

I: y/n why am I so emotional? Why can't I be like any other guy. Why can't I been strong?

Y: Isaac you don't need to be strong around me, I'm here for you no matter what.

The two of you just sat there holding each other. He needed you and you weren't going anywhere.

Derek: "Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand."

You woke up and looked around. Your surroundings didn't look familiar. You started panicking. You jumped up and looked around noticing a very attractive male laying next to you. Then realization kicked in and all the memories came flooding back. You had a one night stand with the one and only Derek Hale. You quickly got out of his bed and started pulling on your clothes. You got all your clothes on and left Derek a little note. The note said, Please don't take this personally we were drunk. Derek woke up an hour later and read the note. He was a little heart broken he has been crushing on you for a while. And because of his past he was too afraid of you getting hurt. Derek didn't really do anything that day. He just kind of moped around his house eating ice cream and other junk food. It was around 8:00 at night when he tapped on your window. It startled you but you got up and unlocked your window anyway.

D-Derek Y-You

Y: Derek what are you doing here?

D: I'm sorry, I just...I guess I'm not good at one-night stands.

Y: Me either. I was kind of hoping you would come and do something like this...

You trailed off getting lost in his dreamy eyes.

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