Never Lose Your Flames by Issues

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Just wanna quickly say If you haven't seen the recent stuff the Stiles one may be a spoiler!

Derek- "I'm prone to fear and doubt"

You were pushed to the side as an Oni tried to stab you. You looked to the side to see Derek laying on the ground. He had been the one to push you. You stumbled over to him, ignoring the presence of the Oni. "Der?" You said rolling him onto his back. He looked into your eyes, "I don't love you anymore. In fact I never loved you" You stumbled back giving the Oni a chance to stab you. You jolted awake feeling tear after tear run down your face. "Babe?" You heard his groggy voice say. 'It was a dream, Just a dream!' You repeated in your head. "Yea, just a bad dream" You said as he pulled you closer. You rested your head onto his shirtless chest. "Want to talk about it?" He asked kissing the top of your head. "No, I'm just prone to fear and doubt, that's all" And with that he pulled you closer, if possible, and you both fell into a dreamless slumber.

Liam-"Am I messed up"

You walked into your room, throwing your bag onto your bed. You slumped to the floor. Tears had started to slip down your face. Within a few seconds you were full on bawling. You heard your window slid open. Without looking up you knew it was Liam. "Hey whats wrong?" he asked wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "N-Nothing" You stuttered. "Obviously something. Talk to me" He said giving you a slight smile. You looked up wiping the few tears that were running down your cheeks. "Am I messed up?" You said looking back down. He put two fingers under your chin pulling your head up to look him in the eyes. You lost thought when looking into his eyes. You had a crush on him, who wouldn't. But lately he seems to be drifting away. "No, why would you think that?" He asked concern swimming through his eyes. 'Should I tell him the truth or not?'. "It just seems like your drifting, a-and I feel like I could've done something to stop it."He just looked mad, at me? himself? "No I am not drifting, it's just this thing happened and I don't know if you'll take it okay." "Liam, don't ever think I wont accept whatever you choose to do. Or whatever you say" Liam just took a deep breathe looked down, and then back up again. But instead of his beautiful blue eyes they were a gold/yellow color. You took in a deep breathe and reached your hand up to his cheek, never losing eye contact. 

Isaac-"Are they laughing at me"

You jumped up out of your seat, grabbing your bag and knocking you chair over in the process. The whole class looked at you as you ran out of the room, the teacher yelling after you. You stumbled around the corner slumping against a set of lockers. You were there for a few minuets when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to be met with the eyes of Isaac Lahey. "You okay?" He asked cautiously sitting down next to you. "Yeah just, ah, panic attack." You said beginning to get nervous. "oh okay. What do want to do now? We cant really go back to class." You looked up to him, "Are they laughing at me?" You asked shyly. "No, surprisingly quite a few were worried." "Wow that surprising, Wait why did you follow me? It's not like you know me?" He chuckled lightly "I may not know you but that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you". You giggled, a blush rising to you cheeks, He stood up reaching out a hand for you to take. And that day was the start of a beautiful relationship. 

Stiles-"It's my fault it's what I deserve"

You lay sprawled across his bed thinking about the earlier events. Stiles whipped around in his spiny chair looking at you. "What ya thinking?" He asked curiously. "Today." You said continuing to stare at the ceiling. He got up and laid down next to you. "Y/N?" no answer "Babe? You cant let that bother you." You sat up, "How can I not Stiles? I messed up and now the whole pack, if I can even still call them that, hate me!" You said tears threatening to flow."You just said it, You messed up, and I know these guys they will still accept you. Hell, I killed someone, yes it was in self-defense, but still and they still accept me!"  He said standing up now and pacing. "Even if they didn't, It's my fault. It's what I deserve." You say finally letting your tears free. Stiles crouched in front of you, grabbing your hands and giving them a light squeeze. "Babe look at me. You don't deserve to be shunned or treated badly in any way. All you deserve is the very best. I don't care what you did to 'mess up', I and the pack will always love and accept you." He leaned up and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss, Stiles' words bringing hope to you.

Perish-"I'm not the person that you thought I was"

You were running as fast as your legs would let you. The sirens were just as loud behind you as before. You quickly ran down an ally only to be stopped by a gun pressed against your forehead. "Y-Y/N(A/N that's him like stumbling on your name.)?" "Perish.... Hi?" "You're the murderer?" "What! No..." You said in an attempted believable tone. You could see the tears in his eyes as he kept his gun in place. "You have the right to remain silent......" (idk the whole thing) He said reaching for his cuffs. "Perish please no, just let me go, please" You pleaded. He pushed you against the brick wall and cuffing you. "I'm sorry I'm not the person that you thought I was, but I promise I had a reason for this, all of thins." You cried as he brought to his hidden police car.

A/N Okayyyyy, Yay! I updated. Anyway sorry I've been inconsistant and that Perish's was so short but the others are longer so I hope it makes up for it! Buh BYe!!!!!!! 

P.S Girl ones for this song will be coming. If you want to request any female characters Comment Below or Message Me!

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