Different For Girls by Dierks Bentley

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"Fast forward through the pain, pushing back when the tears come up" -Mama McCall/Scott McCall

Melissa McCall was awoken by the sound of her son downstairs, it had to be between around 1 in the morning. She got out of bed and made her way down the stairs to see her son hunched over the table arms crossed supporting his head. "Scott? Why are you up so late?" When he looked up to his mother she could see the sadness written all over his face. Sitting down she pulled him into her, she will always be his shoulder to cry on. "Scott, what is it? Did you and Y/N have another fight?" Once she heard the whimper when Y/N was said she could tell thats what was wrong. "Mom.... She's gone.." Scott said looking up to his mother heartbreak and loneliness pouring out of his eyes. "Gone? Gone like vacation or ....", she could see the answer in his eyes, "Oh my god Scott, I'm so sorry." Thats where they sat for the rest of the night Scott in his mothers arms, not another word was said, nothing needed to be said. 

~~~1 Month Later~~~

Scott walked into the house late and staggering like usual. "Scott?" Melissa yelled down the stairs. Scott had been coming home late and drunk for the past month. "Yea mom, going to bed" he yelled staggering up the stairs, doing everything not to fall. Melissa came out of her room and looked at him, being a nurse she knew he was drunk. "Scott drinking is not the way to grieve, you need to get through the grief and pain." she said standing in front of him, "I'm not grieving mom and I don't need to, yea she's dead, I'm over it." She huffed "yea you're not grieving becuase you don't let yourself. You can't live the rest of your life fast forwarding through the pain and pushing back when the tears come up, you need to cry or yell or whatever you need to do to get through this." When she finished she could see the tears running down Scott's face and pulled him into an embrace, "It'll get better, I promise"

"Don't have the luxury to let herself go" -Lydia

"God just get over me and whatever this was to you" Jackson yelled at Lydia in the hallway. He turned and walked away. You ran to Lydia as the bells rang. Grabbing her by the arm you led her to the nearest girls room and pulled her into a hug. Without anything said the two of you sat in each others embrace. Lydia pulled away, wiped the few tears she had and fixed her makeup. You looked at her in surprise. "Lydia it's ok to cry and show emotion, what he just said was rude and unneeded but it still must've hurt." She looked and smiled at you "Y/N dear of course it hurt but I don't have the luxury to let myself go or feel. I need to stay strong and pretend like nothing happened." 

"Nobody said it was fair"- Papa Stilinski

Stiles sat at the table with a confused look upon his face. His best friend and the girl he's loved for years was now with the captain of the lacrosse team. She started canceling their hangout times and then ignoring his calls. Stiles had been sitting at the table for hours trying to figure out what he did wrong. Without any luck he decided to ask his dad for some advice. He drove down to the station and walked into the Sheriff's office. "Dad I got a question." His dad turned to him with an unamused look on his face. Stiles' questions were usually ridiculous and time consuming. "What now Stiles". "Ok so Y/N has stopped hanging out with me and ignoring me, also has a new boyfriend. What does that mean and what should I do." The sheriff rolled his eyes "You don't have any other friends you can ask? I have a job to do." "Dad no I don't please?" The sheriff huffed again and looked at his son, "Ok have you put in a effort?" "Yea but i just get nothing back." The Sheriff thought for a second and the only thing that came to his mind was not the answer Stiles wanted to hear. "Son, she's moved on and so do you. She's obviously changed and if she starts to message you back then thats great but I don't think it's worth the stress" "But that so not fair, I need her she was my only friend I could go to for everything." His dad looked at him with saddened "Nobody said it was fair, you just have to learn to live without her friendship."

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