Chapter 3 // Girlfriend yeah sure...

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"You're going to be my girlfriend."

What? Is this guy crazy? Like I would ever agree to something like that! I have some pride.

"Why should I? You are holding me here, not to mention against my will. You fired me from my only job just earlier today. To top it all off you even drugged me!" I started to tick off the reasons on my fingers, while jutting my left hip out.

He stands up and looks down into my eye's, his stare intense. I felt as if it was burning into me. He took a large step towards me, his pale gold eye's keeping me firmly in my place. I felt like he was staring into my soul at this point, I could almost imagine him seeing every single on of my secrets pouring out of me by his stare at the moment.

"You seem to have mistaken the concept." His husky voice, making my spinal cord tremble. We were now chest to chest.

He continues on "I own you now, which means you have to do whatever I want, and at this moment currently I need your help." He stops a minute to trail a finger down my jaw, "I need your help with a certain deal that I can only choice with a girl at my side temporarily."

I scowl and slap his hands away from my jaw.

No, not today Satan.

"No, I refuse."

He narrows his eyes at me. I continue, " I'm a human being, I have free will. You do not own me. I do not owe you a single thing, and I sure as hell will not help you with some sketchy ass deal!"

He sighs "I will let you free once the deal is done."

My eyes widen, staring at him I bit my bottom lip. If I did this I would be free.

"How do I know your not lying?" I spat out distastefully at him.

He became eerily silent.

"Plus, why me? Get someone else to do your job! Their is plenty of other whores that would gladly be your eye candy."

I rose my hands into the air my voice growing louder, "I am not a toy! I demand to be let free! You will be destroyed once the press finds out about this, and by God, I promise you that they will find out." I slapped my hands back down onto my knees. Out of breath my my rant.

"Do you ever stop yapping? You are such an annoying dog?"

"Arf!" I bark, annoyed.

He runs the bridge of his nose before muttering "Shut up already." His nostrils were flaring now. "I swear I will let you go, I will give you your job back and I will give you whatever amount of cash you want."

That had shut me up.

After a moments of silence, I allowed my shoulders to sag. The corners of my mouth tugged down, and I had a difficult time schooling my voice so I did not give away the tremor in it.

"Fine." I finally bit out.

His eyes lit up in amusement and his signature smirk tugged on his lips. He had reached out and grabbed my upper arm, squeezing a bit too tightly.

"Come on then, we need to get you a dress for the IVC tonight." He briskly informed me.

I looked at him in horror. There was no way in hell that I was going to wear a dress. I had many reasons, I had mentally ticked them off in my head.

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