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Hope you enjoy :-) BTW This is kinda like a authors not in the beginning and half of the story then it gets more into the story.
-5 Years later-

Have you ever seen a Glass vase shatter?

A tiny crack starts to form, the whole thing is a goner because that tiny crack becomes bigger and bigger until it becomes the shattered piece of glass on the floor ruined by one event. Us people are kinda like glass vases we can't stand for long before someone knocks us down and breaks us shattering us. What was once inside the vase breaks and spills out everywhere. then when the mess is cleaned every one forgets. However the vase is still broken never to be fixed again. You can try glue but it can't hold it together forever, then there is plastic vases now imagine the plastic vases are like people who shelter their heart from the world its almost unbreakable but then again there are always those times when they can still be cracked. Us people are exactly like that.

We protect ourselves so desperately and as quickly as possible we lose ourselves along the way. It's currently been 5 years and I'm still suffering from depression, Self harm and now a current new problem on my list anxiety. They haven't just gone away the only different is my age and now I'm happily married to the one and only almighty king Eisuke Ichinomiya.

I cast a look down at the golden ring looped around my finger a small very small smile creeping onto my lips, life hasn't been perfect along the way on this road you see there's one thing movies and T.V shows and other romance books don't teach you. Love doesn't just exist. Now let my explain before everyone goes all hulk on my ass because I'm being 'Hypocritical' No love does not exist just like that. Love isn't just made it lives on in this world you see it everyday from couple kissing on the streets to motherly love when there first baby is born. Love exists in the deepest darkest caves of this world yet it is not fully existing.

Us humans make it exist. We believe in love so strongly we make it come too life, we cling onto it for our last dying breaths wanting to know at least one person loved us. I grew up a different way When I wanted light I was stuck in the shadows screaming for some of the so called 'love' people always displayed. Yet It never ventured my way at the young age I was kidnapped and experimented on There was no love there only fear and hatred. The world I lived in I belonged in the shadows. Now I am being quite hypocritical because to my horror and I can safely say I love Eisuke. It took me 5 years to learn how to even show in the slightest but that I love him and I flinch away from his touches, bristling at compliments, Being cold hearted around the topic of my childhood. I was a bitch still.

It came down to the point we separated for a small gap of time, I quickly learned after that how to change little by little. Now don't get me wrong I still have the same problems I'm morbid in the way I think I'm cruel when comes down to it. I'm me and that can not change, it has alternated though. Small things, My mood has increasingly gotten better along with my attitude. In able to look in the mirror and not only feel self hatred I can enjoy little things in life.

It's the damn depression that keeps killing me though. It's okay to not be okay, in fact its almost normal people are always breaking down and picking themselves up, its how you handle it. I feel horrible for Eisuke too, after....That... Incident I grew apart from him. I was back to my harsh personality in fact it worse. I never stopped for a moment to actually consider his feelings, and i almost destroyed him and me. I almost went of the deep end too.... I tried to...

I could feel anger and tears prick at me and I clenched my fists together. I remembered so well how it happened. I closed my eyes willing the memory away but with no avail it still hit me again hard, I gasped out in shock seeing the scene in all its details.


I was so happy that month when I figured out I was pregnant. The months after that were brutal Morning sickness, constant pain, and dear lord the worse attitude. I was happy, that was until a 2 weeks before the cradle.

New life.(Kbtbb Editing)Where stories live. Discover now