Chapter 19//Secrets can get you killed

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Hey guys so the plot is about to take a major twist in these next two chapters hope you like it :-)
Sitting in the back of the car I can hear the two guys sitting next to me shifting around Quite a lot and at that moment A idea hits me,It may be the oldest trick in the book but even the oldest tricks work.

Pretend to faint then escape while you have the chance.

I'm honestly surprised That little voice inside my head Hasn't gotten me killed yet...

I hold back a smile And try to Make myself look believable as possible.Can you believe those idiots didn't even tie my arms or legs together?

With a muffled sound I make my body sway and next thing I know it I fall down into the guys to the left of me.My head on his lap my body upwards and my feet still down.

I hear a scoff from acrossed of me and The guy who I'm laying on is suddenly ridged as if he's afraid to breath.After a few minutes they seem distracted enough for me to make my move.

With a sudden burst of adreadiline I kick my foot up fast and smash it into something hard hearing a sickening crack afterwards quickly I leap up from my position and from a few years studying Martial arts I pull back my fist and bring it back onto something rock hard.

His teeth

As Swiftly as possible I yank my blindfold off and The gag placed around my mouth falls down to my neck.I stare at the two of them,ones nose is gushing And the other one his holding his mouth in pain.

I reach over fast and unlock the door, The car was still moving but not to fast where I could be majorly hurt.A hand Grips my waist hard and as self reaction I whip my head around and deliver Another blow to his mouth.

Punched to people's mouths are painful but worth it.

He cried out and before he can reach out towards me again I chuckle darkly "Hey bitches there's a spider On the Door next to you."With a sneer I leap out of the car Holding back a scream.

Panic flows through my body the millisecond I was air born but soon that panic turns to Excitement,My body hits the unforgiving ground harshly and I let out a gasp From the pain.

Blinking a few times to overcome my shock at what I just did I can hear the car screech to a stop And the doors fly open.

Oh shit....

I scramble to get up as a Shadow if a person slides out of the car And without a second glance I Take of sprinting giving everything I got to make it some where safe.

My legs feel like jello but that actually helps in my advantage that way I can't feel The burning of running.

The Night is filled with feet slapping the ground but I refuse to give up Not yet.

A seemingly empty warehouse Comes into view and a burst of hope flys through my body.Wheezing for air I press my body farther But my damn luck was taken away from me at birth.

You know those moments when your running so fast you Actually fall over?Yep,well my foot slipped on effing air and my body crashed to the ground my jaw making contact to it seemingly braking it.

"OW OW OW SHIIII--"I cut off my sentence when my jaw throbbed Painfully.I try to get back up again but I can't hear Any footsteps behind me anymore And confusion swam in my eyes making them slowly change color.

Since I'm not great at detecting my emotions yet I can exactly Tell what color they are.Cautiously I turn around But there's no traces of the men that where following me before,I whip my head back and forth searching for any signs of life.

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