Chapter 42//The depressed jerk in more ways than one

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C H A P T E R   4  2   / / T H E   D E P R E S S E D   J E R K   I N   M O R E    W A Y S   T H A N   O NE.


It all started when I Was little 6 maybe even 7 My parents life went downhill At first it was little things such as Getting angry for little things and not always eating dinner together and then one night everything in my life changed.There was a huge fight going on down stairs I could hear glasses shattering and the angry screams of my mother and father.I sat upright in bed awakening from a beer bottle smashing against a wall.I pulled the covers off of my young self and jumped out of bed creeping over too to the stairs and quickly walked down them trying to be as quite as possible My dad was breathing with rage,a gun in his hand.

My mom was pressed up against the wall terror in her eye's tear's instantly flooding her eye's Little me started crying and by accident I started to sob seeing my parents who Gave birth to me the parents who were the 'perfect couple' were looking at each other with such hatred and My dad who was pulling a gun on my mothers head.

My dad Turns around quickly his eye's crazy all I could remember after that was fuzzy a Brown object flying towards my face,Pain blasting against my nose and eye's,My mom's frantic call's for my name,The whole world twisting and turning ,Even the blood trickling against my face blinding me.

I hit the ground completely out cold.

I woke up hours later in a hospital my face hurting like hell  my mom by my side tears still running down her face.I tried to ask her what happened or were my dad was but I couldn't talk my face felt paralyzed.

A Few days Later I was realized from the hospital with a few stitches on my face and a recovering broken rib and a concussion.I guess what happened was My dad threw a beer bottle at my face my head smacked hard against the wall I feel down the other few flights of stairs breaking a Rib by landing wrong and Hitting my head too many hard times.

My father was actually dead after I was knocked out cold he resumed in trying to kill my mother My mom escaped with a bullet wound in her shoulder and in self-deffence stabbed him.Turn's out my dad wasn't right in the head,After I finally came back home my mom ended up hating me saying how I was exactly like him and she couldn't stand to look at my face.I was a little 7 year old in the world being hated and Despised by his own mother and who's father was dead.

When I turned 10 that's when the beating's started it was at first a slap here and there then  it tuned into pulling hair and hitting with a belt.I lived with it every day,I could never hate her though because I knew she was in more pain than I could imagine so I let her vent on me.By the time I was 12 she overdosed On her anti-depresent pills.Funny how doctors give them to you to help get rid of your depression but It could work in more ways than one it can kill you also.

I was shipped off to my closest family in Tokyo and forced to live there with my aunt who constantly Taunted me.My first day at school was fine people didn't hate me like I always thought they would actually it was more of the popular kid in my situation.

That's when i ran into a certain White haired girl with eyes that seemed to change.Little did I know by meeting her would make my life amazing and horrible at the same time.She always kept her head down letting her hair cover her face,she would sit in the back of classes,Avoided other people as much as possible and Would defend herself in any situation.

She picked up the schools title Of "The bitch".Everyone was against her for some reason no one would give her a chance even her own sister seemed sort of embarrassed to be seen next to her.That girl grew up alone and she still way She was by herself all the time her only friend her sister and a broken heart.

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