Chapter 28//Its a fucking mad house in here

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My mom looks at me horrified and she starts backing away from the car,I look over at her narrowing my eyes giving her a look that dared her to run away.

"I-I can't!"A low growl escapes me and I hold back the urge to scream seemingly That's she's already scared of me.Shes being a coward and right now I want nothing more than to Yell at her.

"Mother You need too you said your dying soon do you want to Die knowing that you never even learned anything about Your own child that you abandoned."I keep my voice even with a touch of coldness hidden in there.

She looks up at me with teary eyes Pleading me not to make her go.

Damn she cries a lot..

I sigh and hop in the car I roll down the window on the other side After starting the vehicle up and Look at her the things she just said repeating in my mind on a loop that won't go away.

I'm dying in two Weeks. . .

I'm sorry for the reason there's scars on your wrists. . .

I thought I would never see you again. . .

Looking at my mom outside of the car window I sigh and put my head on the steering wheel I'm honestly glad that I came tonight.

It's a lot for one night but I can deal I need to not fall apart for once but right now I need to get her in the car.As that thought fills my mind I could hear the squeaking of the car door opening the car shifting a little bit and then the slam of the door.

I lift me head up looking to the side of me Smiling slightly,She didn't give me too much trouble that's good."Whats the address?"I ask my voice low.

"8 Latham Road Green roof red house with A sliver car and A jeep out front."I narrow my eyes and glance back over at her raising my eyebrow.

"Do you stalk her or something Mom?"She laughs softly tear stains on her face still and turns to me "Who knows?"I shake my head a smile still on my lips and start to drive out of the narrow drive way I was in.

My throat is dry and I breath in deeply I turn off the radio and concentrate on the road in front of me before I ask the questions I've been meaning to ask her all night.

"Mom Why did you abuse me when I was younger?"My voice Comes out shaky and even I know my choice of words where blunt but I need to know.

My mom sighs heavily From besides me Running her fingers through her hair."I don't know why I screwed up."I grit my jaw together And tighten my grip on the steering wheel.

"That's not an answer mother."I say back Icily I want a true answer not a god damned excuse!

"Okay after You sister. . .Died I felt like I lost a part of me,I lashed out at you because I always thought you could have stopped her I believed that it was your fault Then your father cheated on me I was broken beyond repair the only thing I had left was you And I hated it I felt like you drove them all away I never stopped to think that I could have done more that I could have been a better mother I could have done something I blamed you god everything because you where the last thing I has left and then you where gone No calls no texts no real goodbye just those parting words I Was scared that I would die Unhappy I just wanted to see you again I want to leave this world knowing that I did one thing right in my life."

It hurts to hear this but I wanted to so I got it.Sad how your whole life will fall apart because of one person.I pull done another street nearing Lathem road ad I glance at her out of the corner of my eye.

She looked devastated.

Suddenly I didn't care anymore,I didn't care about this so called game,I didn't care about Getting revenge,I didn't care about Luke....What I did care about was my life I cared for a split second.

I want another sister I want My mother back in my life I want another Chance but the real question here is do I deserve it?

I don't.

Do I care?


Well there's my answer.

"Mom I can't say I forgive you because not a forgiving type I grew up in fear and hated I grew up in a dark place that's why I am who I am now sometimes it's good sometimes it's a curse I can't forgive you but I'm willing to try to start over."

I can see her look at me in shock from the corner of my eye and I just smile at her my eye began to glow a new color And I frown slightly.

"Mom can you do me a favor?"I chirp turning down another road a street sign A few yards away reads Lathem road and I ask my mother the question.

"What color is my eyes?"she takes a good long look at my eyes analyzing them she softly spoke "There Blue,Purple and Orange."I raise an eyebrow And harden my stare.

Orange?What does orange mean?Blue is fake,Purple is too much emotions,What the hell is orange?

Not being able to think to much about it I finally Pull down Latham street and start looking for the house my mom described slowing down the speed we come to a house that looks exactly like That one she told me about it.

I park the car To the curb and climb out unfortunatly on my way out my hair Got stuck and I slammed the car door on my hair making my head jerk painfully back.

"Ouch what the fu-"I cut my delft off my biting my tongue and I try to reach behind me trying to reopen the car door.Succeeding I make sure my hair is fully out then I continue waking to the front of the house to the main entrance.

I could hear my moms snickers behinds and I shoot a glare at her from over my shoulders "You should really cut your hair you know."I sigh knowing she's right taking a look at my white hair I Debate about getting highlights.

Yeah I probable will.

I would love to think more about everything tonight but to be honest I care about seeing my sister more than ever right now.

I politely knock on the door 3 times and then straighten up with my mom behind me looking terrified.I would offer her words of encouragement but to be honest I'm just as scared as her.

The door opens And a friendly looking girl Who looks about in her late 30s opens the door to us smiling brightly her long brown Hair is up in a messy bun and Baking flour is All over her apron that she's wearing.

I stare at her completely dumbstruck But then relize that I look like a total creep right now and snap out of it.I clear my throat and offer A Nice smile to her offering my hand.

Wow Cat you want to shake her hand what the hell are you doing?Making a business deal?No.

I quickly withdraw my hand trying not to seem rude and clear my throat.

"Hello there Um my name Is Catarina And this here is my mom her name Is Christina."My mom offers her a wave and The chirpy brunette Just smiles at her.

"Uh this is going to sound crazy and I don't know a good way To explain this but....Did you ever adopt A child a few years back?"The friendly girl suddenly disappears and is replaced by a bitchy version.

"What the hell are you saying?"I widen my eyes taken aback by her attitude but nether less try to continue being friendly.

"I believe that you adopted My sister and her daughter I was wondering if you could just let us is in for a little but just do we can say hi?"

I finish off with a question

The lady scowls at us and Yells "In your dreams lady!You will not go anywhere near my baby!"And with that she slams the door on my face and I'm left there dumbstruck.

Plan A has failed.

One things for sure though it's a fucking mad house in there.
Word count-1470

Hey guys 😊 Do you like The new cover I made for the book?

Eh anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter I'm sorry it's small but I've been writing longer ones and I just wanted a short one Bye_

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