Chapter 31//The truth hurts

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Sad chapter sorta
Faiths POV

After finding the card I tucked it in my pocket and headed home.I climbed up the tree through the widow and landed in my room with a soft thud.I quickly stand up at walk over to my door Twisting the lock so no one will barge in.

I sigh and grab the hood of my hoodie and pull the Jacket over my head and off my body tossing time where on the floor were I will probably never see it again.I unravel my hair from the bun it was in and let if fall down my back next up I lift my shirt up and grab the file that's been cutting into my sides ever since I put it there.

I Jump onto the bed and carefully take out The papers from the File lying it out on my bed in a massive stack.A certain glint catches my eye and I reach in the stack of papers Rumaging around until I feel a circular cool object.

Grasping it I pull it out and stare at it in Awe there where 3 disks Stacked upon each other all begging me to Pop them in my CD player and listen to them.

I put the papers next to me ignoring them for now and I look at the CDs names written on them In permanent Marker.

Disk 1.)Confession to sisters death.

Disk 2.)Test subject.

Disk 3.)Mothers confession to abuse.

They all seem important and for a second I wonder if I should play them.Evil side of me won The first disk I popped I'm My DVD player Was Disk 1.)confession to sisters death.

At first the DVD only showed static but then a clear Video popped up And I strained my ears to listen to The conversation.

Police officer:"Are you okay Ma'am?"

Catarina:"Do I look like I'm fucking okay you bastard?!"She bellows inside the tiny room the sound coming back to her.

Police officer:"Please calm down and tell us what happened."

Catarina:"Why would I tell you?!"

Police officer:"If you don't cooperate then we will be forced to use less kinder methods"

Catarina starts laughing bitterly the suddenly she slams her hand down on the table making it vibrate.

Catarina:"What are you going to do we both know drugs don't work on me what else can I lose now Huh?Mu sister is gone so you can't use her against me like everyone else did!.

Catarina Starts to cry Slightly Her eyes going to a murky red.Why does her eyes change colors?

Police officer:"Tell us what happened from the beginning."

Catarina:"S-S-She was crying l-loudly so I went t-to go see what was wrong a-a-a-and s-she said her last w-words and J-J-J-J-Ju-J-Jumped"

She fine she's off sobbing hard the police officer looks more annoyed than anything.

Police officer:"Do you have any idea why she jumped?

Catarina slowly starts clam down as she leans back in the chair tears still running down her face.

Catarina:"It was my fault.."

Police officer:"Why is it your fault?"

Catarina:"W-We were close and like any normal sisters we fought but I f-Found her one day kissing my boyfriend And I started ignoring her At home and school I Dumped my boyfriend a-and that bastard Started spreading rumors like she's a whore,That she would spread her legs to everybody....She has the reputation of the schools slur because of a mistake and I never helped her I kept ignoring her even when she needed me the most I ignored her We Wernt close anymore and one day she couldn't handle The rumors anymore and...She jumped I could have saved her if I got there in time I could have helped her if I wasn't so stubborn."

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