Chapter 29//What are your secrets?

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Not a great chapter but I still kinda like it
The first reaction I have towards the door being slammed in my face wasn't a 'Oh she must be tired' nope it was a 'You bitch I'll rip your head off' look at the door and then I flipped it off.

"Well we tried Cat come on let's go."I glare at her from around my shoulders.Im not giving up just yet my mother isn't seeing this from my point of view I was completely oblivious that I had another sister my life was living hell before And suddenly Boom hi Your not alone.

I'm not leaving without at least seeing her The brown haired mom can screw herself.I politely knock on the door again 3 times Still trying to be civilized.

I waited a good Ten seconds before knocking again,still no answer.Ugh really I try to be nice and this is what I get?Annoyed I finally start pounding on the door using the palms of my hands.

My mom Flinches away but I ignore her and continue to pound endlessly.I could hear screams from inside The room and footsteps stomping down the stairs.Suddenly the door flys open and I'm greeted with a younger looking Girl in her teenage years.

She has Long white hair like mine except She has red and Blue highlights all around her head,She has snakebites just a above her lip,Along with a tattoo On her exposed shoulder the tattoo read's out.

-Some times you have to learn to say goodbye-

Her Eyes a bright Violet color,and a Band redshirt for sleeping with sirens.My eyes longer on her tee shirt admiring it,They used to be my favorite band.

She snaps her fingers in front of my face And my attention draws back up to her.

"Look I know my tee-Shirt is really effing Awsome but please do tell why you are Trying to make this door fly off the hinges?"Her voice came out Sounding Rough but not horrible.

She leans against the door way and loudly blows a bubble with the gum in her mouth and pops it obnoxiously.I frown the slightest but Wondering where the Brown haired girl is.

I shrug my shoulders slightly to myself and Smirk at the girl in front of me.I move to the side so my mother could get a better look at her and her eyes fill up with tears right away.

"F-Faith?"She mumbles out loud enough for her to hear.I stop in my tracks looking at Faith and suddenly I feel a ping of happiness this is my sister.

The sister I didn't know about...The sister I was never there for...

Faith looks at my mom confusion written all over her face and she gets off the doorway Standing a bit straighter looking at our mom.

"Uh yeah Who are you?"My mom reaches foreword And Grabs faith pulling her into a bone crushing hug while I just stand there in shock.

Faith noticeably Stiffens up and looks quite uncomfortable With being touched.Her face keeps growing more and more confused by the second.My mom let's faith go and exclaims Her eyes bright "Your my daughter!And her sister!My names Christina and hers is Catarina"

I legit face palmed right there,I breath in deeply closing my eyes.Well then Instead of Coffee and Scones we could just you know Say 'Your my daughter' perfect plan mom.

As suspected Faith narrows her eye's at mom as if she was crazy."What the hell are you talking about?My mom is inside cooking dinner Not you."She backs up slightly closer inside now.

I could feel a sudden burst of anger wash over me,She doesn't know that she was adopted she thinks that She grew up with this family.Her whole life has been a lie.

Shit...This isn't right this is terrible actually,She won't believe us not right now She's going to believe we are lunatics It wasn't out place to tell her We may be her original Family But we did give her up which means betrayal it won't be easy for her to forgive.

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