Still alive?

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"Mmm" I groan out in pain as I slowly open my eyes,my vision is still a little hazy and clouded over but I can make out just enough to know I'm in the hospital.

Part of what makes me believe this is the beeping of machines.I gasp and try to sit up but my back screams in pain along with my ribs and every other part of my body I collapse back down onto The hospital Bed hissing Out in pain through clenched teeth.

"God Damn it! "I try yell but it turn's into a hoarse whisper I try to reflect back on what happened I turn my head to the left side of the room and sigh softly.

Okay sooo I'm not dead.

What a disappointment. . .

My breath stops in a second worry rushing over me.

The Ring Oh god the ring!!!!

I went through all that trouble and If I don't have it I'll Personaly Kill myself no regrets at all.

Many thoughts rush through my mind as I force myself up leaning against the headboard,my head throbs and hurts Really Frinken bad.

I groan and look down in my hand,Only it's wasn't in my hand but on my finger.

"Haha" a bittersweet laugh comes from my mouth and lean down to kiss the ring "Thank you " I whisper my eyes filling with tears a smile on my face Thank you whoever put it on my finger.

"Hey that's the first time I've seen you smile since you were found lying in your own blood."a deep voice says to the other side of me.

"Huh?!" I cry out not knowing anyone else was here I look to the other side of me to see Eisuke Stretched out in a chair and looking at me with his Pale Yellow eyes.

Many thoughts swirl in my head but I Ask one at a time "Are you here to kill me?Because I didn't screw up."

He looks at me and smirks "Nope"

I furrow my eyebrows and ask my second question "What the hell is going on?" He looks exasperated at me "Well let's see first I found you in a pool of blood after amber admitted to what she did then,I took you to the hospital"

I try to remember something with him in it but can't.He must have done it after I passed out.

I just remember my eyes growing pale and lifeless and the ring along with the beating .

I sigh and look down at my body all covered in scars and new cuts my bones sticking out and Tubes all placed in my hands.

I groan and with one swift motion Yank the tubes out of my arms Not caring about the Shit there giving me I never want drugs put into my system ever again after what happened when I was younger.

Eisuke looks at me his eyes wide but I ignore him and stand up "Ahhh" I yell in pain a start too fall grabbing onto the wall I push myself back up and keep walking "How long was I Asleep for?"

"One week.

Great fucking great.

I could Hear Eisuke's quite voice behind me speak up "Why where you so pissed the other night?" I look at him and decide to give an answer that's vague but will answer the question

"Terrible people awaken all the terrible parts inside of me" and with that I walk out of the room and head to the nearest bathroom,slamming the door open and walk in front of the mirror of the one stall bathroom.

I look at my eyes and let out a small shriek of "HUH?!" They're deep gray almost black but there's no light or spark they look terrifyingly Empty.

"Damn it!"I curse remembering this happened before and it wasn't pretty not at all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was curled up in my room next to my sister we were hiding under my rather larger bed and Loud noises where coming from the kitchen Bangs and Glasses shattering.

"IM SORRY!" I could hear my dad scream and then comes a earth shattering Bang Resound throughout the living room.

Before the bang,Our dad was going through the draws in our kitchen to find something the silence in the house was deafening.

Suddenly I could hear someone erupt into sobs I wiggle from my place out of the bed wanting to go see what was happening and my sister grab's onto my hand her wide eyes in fear.

I whisper to her trying to be calming "Don't worry I'll be right back "And head towards the door I softly open in and peek out out of the crack what I saw took my breath away and I would give anything to take it back.

My dad who doesn't do good with emotions was sitting in his heels his eyes were Rusty brown I inherited My large brown eyes from him before my eyes changed colors and his body was covered in cuts and a Blood pool was forming around him.

I run out of the room and hug him yelling tears threatening to spill over from my eyes "Idiot!I love you my sister loves you mom loves you you can't do this!"

My eyes that day turned This color gray but one thing stuck in my memory How depressed I was and how depressed my sister became and then.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My eyes brim with tears after the memory is over and I think.

My family's screwed up.

I wipe the back of my hands with my eyes.
And okay I know this chapters short sorry I'm going to try in the Chapter after the next to be more of a happy chapter okay well bye

New life.(Kbtbb Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora