Chapter 37//Panic

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Longer chapter also the video uptop is Really important to this chapter


I sigh Swinging the my locker door shut and adjust my maids uniform a little bit better smoothing out my hair while I was at it.

Taking a long deep breath preparing myself to walk out there and face Takahiro,Erica,Even Sakiko.I wasn't in the mood for bitchy Costumers or cleaning up after other peoples messes.

I have to do it though.

I put in a small fake smile feeling my eyes swirl to a bluish Green and Walk out of the changing rooms.Another great day ahead of me.


So instead of Fully focusing on My work my mind drifted off to everything that has happened to me.

I was sold at at a auction,I was forced to be a fake girlfriend so the guy can get a business deal,Im going to be able to leave soon,I have a sister that I never knew about before,My mother is dying in less than 12 days now,Eisuke has a sister but lost her.

At least my life isn't boring...

_Time skip_

I clock out of work And blink Tiredly instead of heading straight up to the penthouse Like I usually do,I head for outside of the hotel.

Walking the perimeter of the large hotel I take a right turn and walk to the back of the hotel stopping at a familiar place.

I lean against the brick wall The starry night blocked out by the city lights tilting my head down slightly I take in a breath of Icy autumn air.

I look in front if me at the spot where I came down from the IVC trying to get my sisters ring back But ended up getting put in the hospital.

I chuckle slightly at the memory about how desperate I was.Its stupid really it was just a martial object.I look down at my hand Looking at my ring of rather my sisters ring and glare at it.

The ring means nothing it's not going to get her back,And it's not a bid deal.So why was I so desperate to get it back?

I shake my head side to side at my stupidity.

I sigh and push myself off the wall and walk out towards the parking lot the moon light and the lights of the hotel guiding my path.

I walk up to Eisuke sleek black car and open the door greeted by the Refreshing smell of the car.I grab the spare key to the car out of my pocket and put it in the ignition hearing the familiar Purr of the car coming to life.

I pull out of the parking lot Cranking on the radio And head to my new destination.Turning on the headlights to the brightest I sing along to the radio and tap my finger against the steering wheel.

I don't give a damn if Eisuke Is pissed I went out without his permission I'm not a animal on a leash.

After a good 10 minutes I pull up to my old house and Shut of the car leaving the keys in the ignition I hop out of the car shutting the Door behind me.

I walk up to the house and collect my breath Truthfully I'm not as nervous as I used to be but then again I'm still slightly on edge around her.

I knock three times on the oak door then patiently pull back Waiting a good minute but no response comes through the door.Frowning slightly I knock again "Mom?"I call through the door.

Still hearing no response I sigh slightly I turn away from the door getting ready to walk back towards the car when suddenly A loud bang Resounds through out the house causing me to stop in my tracks.

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