Chapter 48//I should hate you but I can't okay?

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Chapter 48: I should hate you but I can't okay?

The chapter is really long to by the way.

The song above is great I adore the rapper.... Also im very sorry But Eisuke Is slightly out of character in this :-( It sorta just happened So I'm sorry I just wanted this chapter to get out here for you guys sorry it took me forever to write.


I twitched slightly letting out a small soft gasp of pain as a painful burning sensation shot through me, sunlight poured into whatever room I was in and I could hear people talk very quietly. I stir yet again trying to command my body to open up my eyes. My body finally obeyed the order and very slowly my eye's opened up showing off my hazy vision, my stomach hurt like hell and my body's movements was slow.

I blinked a couple times getting rid of the blurriness a couple faces immediately fill my vision causing me to blink in shock. Baba and Ota smiled brightly at me, relief washed over their eyes. I coughed a little bit feeling as if a knot was stuck in my throat I regretted that decision right away after another burst of pain shoot through my body burning it. I widen my eyes a little and tried to sit up but let out a hiss of pain as soon as I flexed my stomach.

Damn it this hurt's.

I tilt my head downward slightly and look down at my stomach gagging right away, a couple of layers of gauze was wrapped around my stomach tightly to stop any access bleeding. However there was still under the couple layers blood still managed to seep through showing off the nasty wound thats was sitting under the gauze.

Am I even happy that I'm alive? No not really I still feel empty. I just can't seem to die can I?

How Am I even alive after being shot..?

As if reading my mind Baba speaks up "You're really lucky to be alive princess!  You lost quite a bit of blood back there if it wasn't for boss you would probably be dead. We're all glad you woke up, we missed you.." he trailed off clearing his throat, I smiled at him weakly and try to speak.

"T- T - Thank Y - - you guy's for - h - helping m - e" My voice was quite shaky and hoarse from not being used, I hoped they understood what I tried to say.

Ota smiles and winks at me "No problem your practically one of us right?"

I drew a blank.

One of them? Why should they care about me I did nothing to them I only snapped at them I was a bitch. No one cares for a bitch.

They don't really care if your alive you know that right?

I groan slightly frowning, I'm sick of fighting myself I'm sick of this. Suddenly the door creaks open, interrupting me from my depressing thoughts. The whole group turned around and looked at Eisuke who's standing in the door way a pitcher of water in his right hand and a crystal glass cup in his left. He looked over at me and suddenly does the most unexpected thing, he gave me a true, honest smile.

The whole group automatically straightened up their spine and the smile grew larger on all of their faces and let out a few awkward forced laughs "G - guess we better get going huh guys?" Baba stuttered out nervously, I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at them. Their expressions where terrified yet still filled with relief. Suddenly a thought dawned in on me, I go to sit up shock surging through me.

"Where is Faith?! Is she okay? She didn't get shot right? Wait..." I start panicking and forced myself to sit up completely letting a strangled cry of pain pass out of my mouth. My wound throbbed unnaturally with this unsettling heat was setting in my stomach. Tears stung at the corners on my eyes and I swung my legs over the side of the bed, dizziness immediately hitting me. I fought the urge to suddenly vomit and went to push myself off the bed.

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