Chapter 32//Angered

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Cats POV

The sunlight of the morning shines down on my face forcing me to open my eyes.

"God damn it can a girl not sleep in?"

I mumble annoyed that after the night I had last night I Only slept from the looks of it 4 hours.

Relaxation hits me and I sit up in bed with wide eyes.

I didn't have nightmares...

Holy shit yes!Im so used to being Rudley awakened by nightmares That it's almost Weird being able to sleep.Well then okay I'm not gonna complain.

I groan pushing the covers off of my Legs and go to stand up,Failing miserably.

My one foot got caught within the sheets so when I went to stand up It twisted my ankle causing to fall and wait for it....Band my head in the nightstand!

To make matters worse My phone that was on the edge of the table leaned over the sides Fell down Banging my head.

I let out a short cry of pain And rub my head slightly while attempting to get up.Luck just will never be in my side will it?!

Suddenly my phone starts to go off.

"It's Hard to find beauty when you swear you have no heart,Beauty that compared to the music works of Mozart,beauty that is physical mental of the soul beauty that alone can keep you from being cold..."

Sighing I pick up my phone and Swipe it to off,I lean my head against my bed and close my eyes.

How ironic that that song is my Ringtone when it does not describe me at all...

Agh yesterday was....Certainly eventful.Usually my days are boring that's a lie ever since I was bought at that damn auction My life has been crazy.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect That though.I never was going to even see my mom again I can't believe that if I never answers that phone I would never know that she....shes going to die soon.

The truth finally hits me hard.Im going to basically Be parentless I have no desire to find my dad for all I care he could go to hell.Cheating on my mom just broke her more he was a coward in a tough Place he chose the easy way out.

Heh I guess I'm not that much different.

I groan slightly and force myself to get up to keep myself from wallowing in self pity.

I gasp out in shock Suddenly a burning pain shot up my ankle And I stumble slightly Gripping onto The nightstand to keep from falling.

"Well shit."I mumble Letting go of the Nightstand I try to test My foot and the same thing happened.

Damn it I twisted my ankle...

Frustrated I turn around to the wall and let out a cry of anger.Bringing my hand up I ball it into a fist and with a warrior Cry I Punch the wall as hard as I could,letting out all my anger,Frustration,pain,And sadness.

A sharp pain flew up my arm but I ignore it And lower my fist and my head my white hair falling in front of my face like a shield.

My hand now throbbing painfully And my ankle Burning is enough to make me even more angrier.I turn away from the wall and limp into the bathroom my Mind racing.

I pick up My brush and run it through my hair Looking at myself in the mirror.Well no wonder I'm so eyes are glowing Red and black Almost more so than they ever have.

I grip the sink trying to take deep breaths trying to grip onto any humanity I have.This is bad...

Why am I so angry?Is it everything that happened yesterday?But wouldn't it be purple then?

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