Chapter 41//Put your hands in the air and scream Fuck the world!

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Okay so I plan to end this book off at chapter 45 Just as a heads up and I'll do the epilogue too :-)


C H A P T E R  4 1 / / P U  T  Y O U R  H A N D S   I N   T H E   A I R   A N D   S C R E A M    F U C K   T H E   W O R L D


His name leaves my mouth Like I Was forced to say the most disgusting thing in the world,We lock eye's and even his Brown eye's widened to the size of moons his mouth parted slightly.I would LOVE To say that I ran into his arms and told him I loved him saying that I forgave him.

Sadly I'm a bitch so that would never happen...

The guy wanted revenge over all of these years,The guy that broke my heart,The guy that cheated on me, The guy that destroyed my sister is standing right in front of me and I was stunned.My want for revenge seemed pointless now It wont bring my sister back It wont fix my broken heart It could never change the way my life went after that.My need for revenge was for my own selfish reason's I wanted him to experiment the pain I went through years the contest reminder that my one and only boyfriend Thought I was undesirable.There was really no reason for revenge But I did want.

"H-Hello Cat..."He stutters looking at me eye's still wide."Come on I know I look amazing but no need to stare."I remark back to him crossing my arms over my chest He winces back and I look at him weirdly then he seems even more surprised.

What the hell?Yes idiot you can move??

"No slap?"He questions and then I understand he was expecting a slap from me Right away. "Your not worth the sting in my hands."I retort back spitting the words bitterly out at him e sneers at me and seems embarrassed to even be seen right by me.Same old bastard.

I knew I had to get out of there before I did something I regretted so I grabbed faiths arm And drag her with me before I made it to far I could hear him call out from behind me in the some old sexy rough voice "Same old Cat"I stop in my tracks and whip my head around so fast I was surprised It didn't snap."And I see your the same old bastard who disregards everyones feelings."He chuckles at me as if I just said something funny.

"And Is see your still a Cold hearted Bitch."I narrow my eye's at him and let go of Faiths arm That I was gripping a little to hard,"Gee I wonder why I'm cold hearted?"At this he seems to get angry a frown forming a-crossed his face and he walks closer to me closing the gap between us so we where chest to chest.

"Your still going on about that?!It's been years!I loved her too you know!"He practically screams in my face.I clench my jaw together gnashing my teeth up against each other."No."I cut him off my voice Ice cold.

"You didn't Love her.You just didn't want to be alone.Or maybe she was a just good for your ego.Or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life,But you didn't love her Because you dont destroy people you love."

He stares at me in shock but soon his face morph's back into anger "You bloody Hyprocrite!Your her sister I didn't make her jump If any thing you did Because You didn't help her what a great person you are What kind of sister are you?Your good for nothing you destroyed her not me!"I freeze up and look at him my eye's blazing with a fire.

I grip faiths arm again when I saw her make a move towards Luke her face angrier than mine.

"I know And I live with the guilt everyday I live every day Feeling worse and worse Knowing it was my fault knowing I never helped her but let me ask you this Do you think you could have handled Watching her jump in front of your eyes?Could you have handled Not being able to save her and being forced to watch her body hit the ground?What about Watching the person you loved make out with your own sibling?You want to blame everything on me Where were you when I was on the ground holding her lifeless body against mine?Where were you at the funeral?Do you regret Spreading rumor's about her?Yes I lost my sister and yes I regret Not being there for her every damn day!But where the hell where you during all of this?!"

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