Back at the penthouse

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Currently Editing
After I came back from the hospital we arrived at the penthouse all the guys turn to face me but instead of talking I run up the stairs to my bedroom or his and slam the door hard gearing the wood splinter from behind me from slamming it.

Finally inside,I was able to relax I was away from all the prying eyes and disapproving glances.I grab at my hair and a big swirl of emotions cloud over me making my eyes a dark purple.

I couldn't think straight,and memory's keep flashing in my mind to the point it's painful to remember everything that has happened I lower myself to the carpet floor and clutch my white hair pulling painfully.

Tear's leak from my eyes all this is from the color my eyes are the influence on me I'm Technically Bi-polar but I know better it's not exactly my fault.

A sob rack's through my body and I scream from deep in my throat I couldn't stop the thoughts.

I stand onto my feet and pound at the wall beating my fist on it multiple times and bang my head on it voicing my thoughts " Why?WHY!Is it aways me!! "I yell then bite my lip to keep from screaming again.

Running to the closet I yank open the double doors and grab a black tie that's hanging on one of the hanger's neatly.I pull it over my eyes and tie it in a big knot trying to suppress everything from my feelings to my thoughts.

I slump against the closet door and dig my nails in my skin on both of my arms " This is why I'm hated "I wailed " I didn't chose to be born this way I Can't Fucking control it! "

Great now I'm going crazy and talking to myself.

I pull on the now blindfold (tie) so it's pressing against my head and face hard my white hair is disheveled and my nails now bitten to stubs my heads dizzy and I can't think straight anymore.

After I feel the anger and sadness pass away a little bit I gently pull the tie off my eye's and walk towards the oversized bed.I look down at my fingernails and sigh heavily I've bitten them down to low and there bleeding.

I have nail marks all over my arms from clutching myself to hard falling back on the bed I turn to the side of me and turn on the radio when the song 'Impossible' comes on.

While the music played I completely Missed the knock on the door and didn't know Eisuke was watching me at that very Moment

'I remember years ago someone told me to take caution when It comes to love I did I did~~You where strong and I was not My illusion my mistake I was careless I forgot Yes I did.'

"SHUT UP!" I yell at the radio all the memory's I've been trying to forget coming back to me again "Luke...." I whimper slightly remembering my past experience with him.

I Rush to pull the plug out but it was wireless and I was too much of a frenzy to find the off button.

'Tell them I was happy Now my heart is broken all my scars are open'

She continues to sing I cover my ears with the palms of my hand and start crying loudly.

'All we had was gone now'

"God damnit look what he did to me Love isn't real!" I cry out close to the brink of sobbing a hand reaches over and shut's the radio off looking up in surprise I could see his pale yellow eyes as he sits on the bed right next to me.

"What do YOU want"I spat at eisuke he pulls a keycard out of his pocket and hands it to me indicating it was mine " You have a bit more freedom now also you can start work again 3 Days Tomorrow we have to meet Mr.Bucci at the casino and announce our relationship to everyone okay? "

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