Chapter 46//Shot's fired

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You guy's might hate me for this ending.

Faith's POV

I followed Catarina because I wanted answers as to wether or not the new's paper article was true or not I followed close behind them at a safe distance When they went inside the building I was planning on sneaking in and making her talk to me but what I wasn't exactly prepared for was seeing Cat pinned to the ground by guy's who looked Two time's her size in weight.

When I heard the older guy shout for them to get me I was about to run but stopped. I couldn't leave her...that was until her voice cut through the air like a kitchen knife so deadly loud and terrifying it frightened me for a second. "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE NOW FAITH!" She bellowed rattling my ear drum's I sucked in a breath and sent a silent apology to her before I turned and ran.

I didn't make it quite far for two reason's One I've never been a runner and two I got a late start.Before I knew it A man gripped me around the waist and hoisted me up into the air holding me against him tightly so I couldn't move at all I tried flailing around but that only resulted in a tighter grip from him.

They threw me in the same room as Cat and I could see her staring at me horrified, her eyes glazing over.They grabbed a rope and bound my hands and feet together so tightly that It started to cut of circulation sad part is I've never been a fighter and I never even landed one punch or kick on them. "Let her go damn it!"she hisses and one of the guy's tug her White hair back harshly as she let's out a slight hiss of pain. "What was that sweet-heart?"He ask's sweetly but you can tell from his eye's that he's gonna be anything less than sweet.

I wanted to help her to get free to do something but I was stuck on the floor with rope cutting into my hand's and ankles with a gag stuffed down my mouth preventing me from speaking. "I.said.let.her.go!"She repeat's not backing down he raises his hand and goes to slap her but just as he does that He put her at an advantage.

She manages to roll away from him and Get's onto her knees sitting back on her heels taking in deep breath's of air.The two men at my side automatically go to get her but just before they could move a few step's towards her the door burst's open light flooding the room and standing in the archway is a very angry looking Mr. Ichinomiya.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?"He ask's his voice raising he takes a quick glance at me and Catarina but then quickly direct's his attention back to The guy narrowing his yellow painted eyes at him. He straighten's up and gives a quick glance to Catarina moving his lips into a unpleasant snarl. I look at her too and her eye's look flooded with relief and sadness she manages a small smile at me and sit's down knowing that It's not worth the fight right now.

Lucky bitch she isn't tied up. She can't even help me out since two of the guy's are guarding me and the other guy is making sure that she doesn't move.

"Ah Mr . Ichinomiya How nice it is to see you. I would like to discuss somethings with you if you don't mind to much. " Speak's up the guy trying to soothe some invisible wrinkles from his suit and flashes a fake smile to Mr . Ichinomiya His eyes holding a dangerous glint. I gulp and worriedly look over at Catarina It actually scares me how much she looks pissed of right now.

I wiggle around in the ropes chokehold and actually consider trying to beg my way out of this but I still have a bit of pride left I'm not going to do that l Can't leave Cat here anyway's. I went to take in a deep breath but only resulted in breathing in the musty smell of the gag I struggle to spit it out but it's not as easy as it seem's.

"What matter's would you like to discuss?" Mr. Ichinomiya ask's slightly raising on eye brow The room seem's stuffy and smaller all of a sudden and I could feel my self panicking.I only have one word that has destroyed a lot of my life.

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