Chapter 33//Dinner and Feelings

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Cats POV

I sigh looking around the fancy restaurant,Just one hour You can do it for one hour.

A waiter with raven black hair And blue eyes walk up to us A fake smile plastered on his face And One hand behind his back his eyes boring into us.

"Hello a Table for 2?"He questions us his gaze shifting over to me almost in a glare.

What's his problem?

"No I'm here For Mr.Bucci and Carolina will you please escort is to them?"Even though it was mean to be a question Eisuke seemed to Demand it more than anything.

"Of course 'Sir"The waiter Turns around and starts escorting us through a maze of people,Chairs,And tables.

I fidgeted Slightly and pull down on my shorter black mini dress with leggings and 1'0 high heels.I felt like I was back in high school the gothic chick with scars while everyone else seemed so...Happy.

I shake away the feeling and struggle to keep up with Eisuke but I kept lagging behind because of the damn heels.Girls who run in heels Have my praise These things will be the death of me.

After successfully Making my way around tables filled with drunk,bubbly,Rich ass people we finally end up in a more secluded part of the Restaurant.

A rather large red wood beautifully polished table stood in front of us 4 chairs in total Two on both sides And even the chairs looked Expensive And comfortable.

I want to sit in it...

I force myself to stop admiring The table and I look up slightly met with Carolina's Scowling face and Mr.Bucci's rather Entertained one.

I fake a smile at Carolina And Mr.Bucci Clearing my throat slightly."Um..Hi?"Trying not to be awkward in this type of situation I hesitantly Curtesy not knowing what else to do.

"Please Pick your Head up Miss.Gutierrez And sit down we have much to talk about!"I gulp but nod my head pulling out the chair I take a seat and Eisuke does the same thing sitting next to me.

To close....

I try to move away from him With out making it too noticeable and draw out a shaky breath.I hate it when people are too close.

Then again who wants to be squished to against guy even if He's hot And a good kisser?

Shit no Stop it Cat.

Eisuke and Mr.Bucci Goes into a deep conversation they're voices low as if afraid someone will hear While me and Carolina Have a staring contest.

She Scowls at me her eyes narrowing,Instead is scowling back I smile the brightest I could and send a playful wink at her.

She Makes a horrified face her mouth hanging open in shock And starts to mimic someone dry heaving.I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair my white hair covering the scars on my wrists perfectly.

I'm so glad I never Cut my hair.

After Carolina's little 'show' she leans back in her chair smirking slightly at me looking satisfied.With out speaking I send her the death glare Daring her to keep messing with me.

-1 hour later-

The waiter comes to bring us the check And I take a sip of my water Gulping it down my throat savoring the icy cold beverage.

I set it back down when suddenly Carolina Speaks up Directing her words towards me

Wow!I'm not invisible for a change!

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