Chapter 6 - Fury

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"Where did the boys go? Parker looked around.

"I don't know." Erica sighed.

"Well we need Harry's cloak or we'll get caught." Parker groaned.

"Untrue, I'm very sneaky." Erica assured her.

"You knocked over a vase five minutes ago."

"It didn't break."

"It was very loud."


Parker hummed and walked about. Erica continued forward and walked straight into a door which creaked open.

"Where you off to?" Parker skipped after her.

"It wasn't intentional." Erica rubbed her nose.

"Is your nose okay?"

"I walked into the door, what do you think?"

Parker held Erica's shoulders and checked her nose.

"Does this hurt?" She poked it.

"No, it's fine." Erica shook her head.

"Good. Because... I can fix small things, but not noses."

"I could've fixed it myself."

"What are best friends for?" Parker smiled.

"Being amazing." Erica continued and stopped herself before she walked into something else.

A large... Object covered by a deep, purple curtain.

"What's this?" Parker raised a brow as she pulled the curtain off.

A... Mirror? Parker raised a brow and shrugged, not taking notice of it while she put the curtain down.

"Does your hair look good?' She joked.

"I don't need a mirror to tell me that my hair looks great." Erica rolled her eyes.

Parker giggled and stood beside her,"Woah, this mirror doesn't show you."

"What does it show then?" Erica asked quickly.

"It shows... A young girl, she has her body turned though, I can't see her face. And it's just... Figures around her." Parker spoke slowly, confused.

"Uh huh..?"

"I don't know, they're all just standing." Parker shrugged.

Erica looked in the mirror and saw... It was her. Her and Percy. He was holding her, and the words he said... Had she heard them before? Even if she had... She knew Percy never meant it...

'I love you!

Parker turned her gaze towards the top of the mirror.

"Erised stra ebru oyt I've cafru oyt on woshi." She read out.

"I show not your face but your hearts desire." Erica spoke calmly.

"So... It shows us what we desire most in the world?"

"I'd assume so." Erica nodded slowly.

"Well I don't know what I desire." Parker scoffed.

"The heart wants what the heart wants."

"We need to tell the boys about this." Parker nodded.

"That's if we can actually find them."

Parker opened her mouth to shout for the boys but shut it when she seen them walk into the room.

"Well, that was easy" Erica shrugged.

"Where have you been?" Parker pointed.

"Hiding from Filch." Harry shook his head,"And trying to avoid Snape and Quirrel."

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