Chapter 46 - Escape from Malfoy Manor

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Erica crept outside the Manor, she'd apparated nearby after giving herself a small haircut, she didn't want the long hair to get in her way.

She hadn't really been to the Manor much, but it was massive. Who knows where she'd find her friends.

"How am I supposed to even get in?" Erica muttered as she paced.

She saw some Death Eaters walking about nearby, lesser known ones. Okay, more than one thing to worry about. But that was fine, she could deal with it. It was all going to be just fine.

There was, however, some workers up ahead. That was good, maybe she could disguise herself as one of them.

But how? If she was caught, she'd be killed. But if she waited outside for too long, her friends could all be killed. That's when she decided what she needed to do.

"Just grab one, make sure she's distracted." Erica muttered to herself.

Erica walked along, finding a housekeeper and tackling them to the ground. Erica dragged them towards the trees, all while holding them down.

"No- I'm sorry!" The girl shouted.

"Hey- Be quiet and nobody needs to get hurt." Erica hushed her.

The girl nodded quickly.

"Right, my friends are in that Manor and I need to get in there to get them out." Erica explained,"So we're going to swap clothes and you're going to tell me how I can get isnide."

The girl nodded again,"Okay.."

"Sorry for scaring you." Erica helped her up.

"You're friends with Harry Potter, aren't you?"

"I am." Erica nodded,"I didn't hurt you, did i?"

"A little." She admitted,"I can help you, but you have to promise me and my children will be okay."

"Sorry, but I promise. I'm not here to hurt any of you."


"You'll be fine, trust me."

"Okay. Here." She began giving her own clothes.

"Thank you." Erica smiled, swapping her clothes with those of the housekeeper.

"Where do I go now?" The girl asked.

"Just hide, get your kids and hide. It's not safe here."

The girl nodded before she ran off.

Erica brushed down her new outfit and sighed. She tied up her hair and turned towards the Manor. This should be fun.

That's when a Death Eater walked over,"Hey! What are you doing out here?"

"Apologies, I thought I saw someone out here." Erica shook her head.

"Well they're not here are they? Get back inside." He spat.

"Of course." Erica nodded, starting to walk towards the Manor.

"Hang on a minute." He walked forward, grabbing her arm.

"Hey- Let go!" Erica turned.

"I recognise you! Lucius-" He went to call on him.

"Shut up!" Erica pushed the man backwards.

When Erica pushed the man backwards, he had hit his head on the rock behind him. Erica thought he was okay until she saw blood coming from the back of his head.

"Oh... Oh, that's not good." Erica slowly backed away from him,"No witnesses, I suppose."

She needed to get inside, fast. Erica hurried towards an open side door, trying to ignore what she had just done.

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