Chapter 35 - Coinciding

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Erica was sat on her bed. She didn't know what time it was but it was light outside so she just assumed it wasn't too early. When she looked at her door, there was someone knocking at it.

"Come in, but be quiet. Ron's still sleeping." Erica rubbed her eyes.

In walked... Charlie.

"Charlie.. What are you doing here?"

"I had to see my favorite sister." Charlie chuckled and walked over to her bed.

"When did you get here?" Erica asked him.

"Last night." Charlie smiled and hugged her.

Erica hugged onto him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you."

"I missed you more."

"I got your letters."

"All of them?" Erica asked.

"Every single one." Charlie nodded.

Erica sighed and looked up at him,"What time is it?"

"About ten." Charlie hummed.

"Right, right.."

"I brought you a gift." Charlie held out a box.

"A gift?" Erica took the box.

"Don't tell the others." Charlie hummed.

"I won't." Erica assured him as she opened the box.

Inside was a pair of white gloves, she had written to Charlie about her scars.

"Charlie- Thank you!" Erica smiled, quickly putting the gloves on.

Charlie laughed,"They fit okay?"

"Mhm, look!"

"Oh, they're perfect."

"I really like them." Erica hugged Charlie again.

"I'm glad." Charlie hummed and hugged her back.

"What are you doing for the rest of the day?"

"Fred and George want me to help with the magic shop... If you'd like to come too?"

"Of course I want to come and help." Erica nodded eagerly.

"Get dressed then." Charlie chuckled,"I'll meet you downstairs."

"I'll be really quick." Erica told him.

Charlie nodded and left the bedroom. Erica looked at Ron, still asleep before she quickly changed and headed down to meet Charlie.

"Grab something to eat then we can go." Charlie pointed.

Erica nodded, fiddling with her sleeves as she grabbed a piece of toast.

"Anything on the toast?"

"Just toast."

"Just toast will do." He nodded.

Erica smiled, taking a bite out of her toast.

"Hold on to me." Charlie walked over.

"Holding on." Erica grabbed his arm.

Charlie held onto his sister before they apparated to the joke store.

"The cavalry has arrived!" Erica announced before taking another bit of toast.

"Erica!" The twins cheered.

"They like me more than you." Erica whispered to Charlie.

"I can tell." Charlie crossed his arms,"Hi brothers."

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