Chapter 7 - Caught in the Act

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The Herd were in the Gryffindor Common Room, minus Ron, he was down helping Hagrid.

"Why couldn't I have gone?" Erica sighed

"You were injured." Parker sighed.

"But- But dragons!"

"You'll have plenty of time to see them."

"Yeah, but-"

"Rest." Parker pointed.

"Hmph." Erica crossed her arms.

"What takes him so bloody long?" Hermione scoffed.

"It's Ron." Harry shrugged.

"He's stupid." Hermione sighed.

"I know." Erica nodded.

"He bit me!" Ron fell through the painting.

"Who bit you? Draco?" Erica shot up.


"Oh..." Erica looked mildly disappointed.

"Bloody- That things like a demon."

"I mean, they won't force you to do work if it's that bad." Harry tried.

"When he bit me, Hagrid told ME off for frightening it! And when I left he was singing it a lullabye." Ron pointed.

Erica chuckled,"Aw, you poor soul."

"Shut up." Ron warned.

"Hm... No." Erica patted his head.

"Guys. Come on." Ron pointed.

Harry looked around,"Wait- Me?"

"She'll listen to you."

"Will she?"

"Will you?" Parker chuckled.

"Hm..." Erica thought about it as there was a peck at the window.

"What's that?" Parker jumped and turned.

"Hedwig." Harye walked over to the window.

"She'll have Charlie's answer!"

Hermione nodded.

"Yay!" Erica smiled.

Harry let Hedwig in, taking the letter off of her before handing it to Erica.

Erica read it over and smiled happily,"He said yes!"

"Yes!" Parker clapped.

"We've got the invisibility cloak,It shouldn't be too difficult. I think the cloaks big enough to cover two of us and Norbert." Harry nodded.

"Anything to get rid of him and Malfoy." Ron sighed.


The next day, the Herd had to rush to the hospital wing, Ron's hand was in excruciating pain and swollen... Norbert's fangs were poisonous.

"Do you think Madame Pomfrey can tell that isn't a dog bite?" Erica looked around.

"It's Madame Pomfrey, she knows everything." Parker sighed

"We can just hope, for now." Harry shook his head.

"Ron?" Hermione asked as they rushed in.

"What?" He sighed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Agony." Ron groaned.

"You shouldn't have let the dragon bite you then." Erica shrugged.

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