Chapter 20 - Secrets revealed

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"I have bad news." Parker walked into the Great Hall.

"What bad news?" Erica asked her.

"Draco." Was all Parker needed to say.

"What's he done now?" Ron asked.

"He told father about Buckbeak... He's getting him sentenced to death."

"No.." Hermione shook her head.

"I hate- Draco tempted Buckbeak." Harry shot up.

"It's his own bloody fault." Ron agreed,"Can't we try and stop it?"

"We can try." Hermione nodded.

"We're good at trying!" Erica smiled.

"We can only try our best." Harry sighed.

"It's what we always do." Erica nodded.

"Let's go." Parker clapped and began walking.

The Herd got up from the table and walked after Parker. The Herd headed outside of the castle, going down to Hagrid's until they saw... Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Of course." Ron groaned.

"Maybe we can just go past-" Harry began.

"Oi, Potter. Off to see that oaf? Shame about his pet chicken." Draco taunted them.

Hermione looked at her friends before she turned to Draco with her wand in her hand,"You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" She pointed the wand under his neck.

Draco looked nervous and he looked away, whimpering like a scared animal.

"Hermione don't! He's not worth it." Ron shook his head.

Hermione soon let out a sigh and turned but Erica ran forward and grabbed Draco.

"Get off me you-" Draco went to push her.

Thats when- She just began hitting him and she threw him to the ground. All of her pent up stress, she threw onto him.

The Herd stood in shock, along with Crabbe and Goyle.

Parker blinked, quickly running to Erica and pulled her away, "Okay- Okay. You got him good, you got him sweetie."

"I- I did it." Erica nodded slowly, she was out of breath,"That felt good."

"Come on, Draco!" The boys lifted him and ran off.

"Yeah? Yeah, I'd imagine." Parker cupped her face,"Take a deep breath."

"Remind me not to get on Erica's bad side." Harry whispered.

"Trust me, I don't want to get on that either." Ron whispered back.

"Nobody tell Percy or Cedric." Erica pointed.

"Not a word!"

"Won't say anything."

The trio quickly spoke at the same time.

"Let me see your hands." Parker told Erica.

"My hands?" Erica held them out.

"They sore? Bleeding?"

"Uh.." Erica wasn't sure, she couldn't feel much at the moment.

"Let me see." Parker checked Erica's hands.

"Am I good?"

"They're a little red, so just be careful." Parker gave them a rub.

"I will."

"Let's go see Hagrid, yeah?" Harry asked.

"Sounds like a plan." Ron nodded.

The Herd walked down to Hagrid's Hut, walking in to find Hagrid at his table, upset.

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