Chapter 22 - Dissimilarity

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Erica hummed, she was sat on her bed and plying with her hair. She liked it longer but missed her short hair.

"Erica, are you nearly ready?" Arthur called upstairs.

"Of course I'm ready." She nodded.

"Come on down then sweetie."

"Where are we going again?" Erica asked as she skipped downstairs.

"To the doctors." Arthur nodded.

"But I'm not sick."

"It's not for that type of thing,  sweetie." Arthur assured her.

"Huh... Okay." Erica nodded slowly, still not understanding.

"Remember... That conversation we had with that nice doctor?"

"Ooh, Sherie! The one with the pink hair." Erica smiled.

"Yeah, she's nice... Remember she was talking to you and you did some tests... All that?"

"Uh huh?"

"Well, she has some theories."

"About me?" Erica asked.

"About You. And it's nothing bad."

"Then let's go." She smiled.

Molly smiled softly before they left.


"So the neurologists ran the tests and the other things we needed to do to confirm or deny our theories." Sherrie began.

"I see." Arthur nodded.

Erica was sat in the corner, building with the lego that Sherrie had in her office.

"They diagnosed her... Erica has autism." Sherrie looked over at Erica.

"Autism?" Arthur looked over at her too.

"Yes... It's common in girls but she has been masking it for a while. But with everything that we've went over... It's confirmed."

Erica turned to look at the adults watching her. Why did they look so serious?

"Sweetie, can you come here?" Arthur patted the seat beside him.

"Okay." She smiled and walked over to him with her lego creation.

"That's cute, what did you make sweetheart?" Molly smiled.

"A cat." Erica held it up.

"It's very creative."

Erica smiled before looking over at Sherie,"What are we talking about?"

"You... Have you heard of Autism before?" Sherie turned to her.

"Hm... No." Erica shook her head.

"It's not bad. It just means you see life a little different than normal people." She assured her.

"Oh... Okay." Erica smiled again.

"How do you feel?"

"A bit confused but I think I'm okay." Erica nodded slowly.

"It's like... You'll find stuff more difficult, but you'll get help for it. Don't worry."

"Getting help sounds nice."

"Do you have friends?"


"Big group or a small group?"

"Hm, well I have a small group." Erica told her,"But I have some friends outside of that."

"I'm glad. If you want, you can let them know. It's up to you." Sherie hummed.

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