Chapter 26 - Dragons

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A few weeks had passed since the announcement of the champions for the Triwizard Tournement. Everyone at Hogwarts hadn't really been talking to Harry, they were mad at him. Even Ron.

Meanwhile the Ruby Duo, Erica and Parker, were sitting in the courtyard going over homework.

"I don't get it." Erica sighed,"I'd rather be reading my dragon book."

"Dragon books won't help us next year for exams." Parker leaned against the pillar.

"But my dragon book is interesting."

"I know hun, I know." Parker turned and lay on the grass.

Erica sighed and sat beside her.

"I'm not ready for exams."

"Me either."

"We'll get through it together." Parker hummed.

"Because that's what best friends do." Erica smiled.

"Exactly." Parker chuckled.

Erica sighed,"Just a little look at the dragon book?"

"Fine." Parker nodded.

"Yes!" Erica smiled, hurrying off to grab her dragon book.

Parker laughed and sat up as Draco jumped down from the tree he was in, seeing Harry.

"Oi Potter!"

Harry sighed and turned to him,"What do you want, Malfoy?"

"Me and my father have a bet you see, I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this competition." Draco shrugged,"He disagrees."

Harry rolled his eyes,"Of course he does."

"He doesn't think you'll last five." Draco scoffed.

Harry sighed and turned, he couldn't be bothered with Draco right now. He'd just had an argument with Ron and now this?

Draco quickly got out his wand, pointing it Harry's way.

"You dare try cursing a wizard when his back is turned?!" Moody yelled as he hobbled over, firing a spell right at Draco.

"Holy shit." Parker jumped and ran to find Erica.

Erica was just skipping out of the school, her dragon book in hand.

"Draco is getting a row from Moody!" Parker clapped.

"Ooh, this I have to see!"

"Hurry up then." Parker ran back to the courtyard where Draco was no more, just Moody lifting something with his wand.

"My brothers a ferret." Parker gasped, covering her mouth.

"It's perfect, he's reached his true form!" Erica giggled.

"He's a flying ferret." Parker laughed as the crowd around them grew.

Moody was throwing Draco about in the air with his wand as the crowd of students laughed

"Professor Moody, where did you get that ferret?" McGonagall pushed through the crowd.

"It's just Malfoy, Professor." He continued.

McGonagall glanced towards Parker, seeing she was fine before she looked at the ferret,"You- Oh Merlin!" She quickly grabbed Draco and turned him back into his normal self.

Draco quickly scrambled to his feet and hurried off,"My father will hear about this!"

"Yeah, yeah." Parker rolled her eyes.

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