Chapter 32 - Dumbledore's Army

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Over the next few days, Umbridge had appointed herself as 'High Inquisitor of Hogwarts'. She had made countless useless rules and regulations. Until one day, it went too far.

The students had gathered out in the courtyard as Filch gave Trelawney her bags.

"Sixteen years I've worked at Hogwarts, this is my home! You can't do this to me." Trelawney sobbed.

"Actually, I can." Umbridge grinned.

"She takes pleasure in watching others suffer." Erica glared at Umbridge.

That's when McGonagall had stormed out, running up to Trelawney, hugging her side.

"Anything you would like to say, dear?" Minerva tilted her head slightly.

"Oh, there are several things I'd like to say." McGonagall scoffed, picking up the bags.

Just then, the large doors opened and Dumbledore appeared, walking out.

"Oh shit." Parker whispered.

"Professor McGonagall, may you please escort Sybill and her belongs back inside?"

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore! Thank you." Trelawney cried as McGonagall lead her inside.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of educational degree number twenty three, as enacted by the Minister-" Umbridge began.

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the Headmaster." Dumbledore reminded her, not impressed with her actions.

"For now." Umbridge giggled.

Dumbledore turned from Umbride and headed back inside, Harry trying to run after him.

"Harry don't." Ron held his arm,"This is the first time he's came out in a while."

"But I have so many questions." Harry sighed.

"Ask later, we need to go."

"Right.' He nodded slowly.


"That foul, evil gargoyle." Hermione sighed as she paced in the Gryffindor common room, the Herd with her.

"Y'know, I watched someone nearly choke as she walked psst." Erica hummed, laying on the couch,"That's how strong her perfume is."

"We're not even learning how to pass our O.W.L.S. She's taken over completely." Parker shook her head, turning the radio down.

"And her punishments aren't exactly what I'd call 'legal'." Ron crossed his arms.

During their conversation, they heard the fire cough then what sounded like Sirius calling to Harry.

"Hey Sirius-" Erica stopped,"Sirius?"

"Hi, welcome to the Fireplace Phone." Harry sighed.

"You have one of these? Wicked." Parker laughed.

"What's Umbridge doing?" Sirius asked.

"She's a bitch." Erica stated bluntly.

"Well- Yeah, She's right." Harry sighed,"She's got all these new, stupid rules."

"She's illegally using blood quills to harm us." Hermione added,"During detention."

"Blood quills? That's her idea of punishment for children?" Sirius questioned,"Of course that's who he's got in charge."

"And she's due taking over as Headmaster, she keeps threatening Dumbledore." Parker nodded,"Even the teachers are scared of her."

"And we can't complain to the Ministry because that's where she works and besides, they already hate us enough." Erica sighed.

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