Chapter 21 - The Prisoner of Azkaban

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Erica looked around confused as her and the others arrived at the front of the school.

"That... Felt weird." Erica shook her head.

"Hide, hide." Parker pulled Erica behind a pillar.

"Hiding." Erica nodded.

"Is that- Is that us?" Harry leaned forward.

"Oh- It is- Oh, there's your brother." Erica pointed.

"And there's you kicking his balls." Parker smirked as they watched as past Erica did as Parker said.

"It felt great." She smiled as Draco and his goons ran past.

"We can't do anything to intervene with the past, we can't change it." Hermione sighed.

"Well, let's hurry and save Buckbeak before its too lae." Harry sighed.

"Hear that, Er? We get to save him." Parker smiled.

"We're going to save him, c'mon!" Erica pulled Parker down the hill.

"Oh don't kill me-" Parker nearly tripped over some rocks.

"You'll be fine!"

"So what are these necklaces?" Harry looked at the girls.

"Timeturners, they let the wearer go back in time." Hermione answered.

"Why didn't we get some?" He asked.

"They were given to us so we could take all those extra classes." Hermione explained.

"You guys already have good grades. Should've given them to us." Harry nodded.

"Nobody would trust us with timeturners, Harry." Erica shook her head.

"Nobody would trust you." Harry corrected.

Erica scoffed as they reached the woods,"What's wrong with just me?"

"Sometimes you're a little... Slow. But we still love you."

"I love her the most. She's mine." Parker hugged her.

"Parker." Erica huffed.

Parker smiled and kissed her head,"Let's go."

"Going." Harry nodded.

The four hid behind some big pumpkins, watching as their past selves talked to Hagrid while the Minister began walking down.

"We aren't leaving... Why aren't we leaving?" Hermione cursed.

"Hm... What made us leave before?" Erica asked.

Parker bent down and grabbed a rock, throwing it through the window,"That."

"You're the one that nearly blinded ne." Erica pointed.

"Oops.." Parker smiled.

"Yeah, oops.' Erica crossed her arms as the past them ran off.

"Let's get BuckBeak." Parker walked over to his food.

"Beaky." Erica called to him.

Buckhead looked towards them.

"Look what Parker has." Erica pointed.

"Yummy ferrets. They remind you of my brother? Mm... Yum." Parker waved the ferrets while Hermione and Harry gently grabbed his ropes.

Buckbeak chirped and followed them into the woods, snapping at the ferrets.

"Good Buckbeak. Good boy." Harry clapped.

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