Chapter 41 - Memorium

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Erica was fidgeting with her sleeves, she just felt... Unmotivated to really do anything.

Everyone was going to gather in the Great Hall soon to have a memorial for Dumbledore...If only they knew the reasoning behind his death.

Erica sighed and walked off towards the Great Hall. There she was met with the others, their friends.

Erica hugged Parker from behind, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Hi hun." Parker sighed and looked at her.

"I just want to go home."

"We will after this." Parker nodded slowly.

"We'll figure all this out, somehow." Hermione sighed.

"I can't go back home." Parker shook her head.

"You can stay with us." Ron offered.

"If you guys don't mind." Parker nodded.

"Mum loves you." Erica poked her.

"You all better make sure you write." Hermione pointed.

"We will." Harry nodded,"Let's head in."

Erica nodded and walked in behind Parker, still holding onto her as they sat down. Nothing was said as everyone entered. There was no speech... Just a remembrance for Dumbledore.

McGonagall stepped away from the teachers before lifting her wand as she preformed the spell 'Lumos'. One by one everyone else joined her, raising their wands in honor of their fallen Headmaster.

The Farewell was the only one he could get for now, they'd never forget him though. He'd impacted their lives so much, helped them... But now he was gone, right when they needed him most.

After the service, everyone had split up. The Herd though, they went towards the Astronomy Tower and looked over the edge.

That's when they saw a Phoenix, Fawkes, flying off towards the horizon.

Harry held up a locket,"Me and Dumbledore retrieved this."

"A locket?" Ron raised a brow.

"A horcrux- Well, a fake." Harry sighed as he took out the letter that was in the locket,"Dear Dark Lord, I know I will be dead long gone before you can read this, but I want you to know that it was I, who discovered your secret. I've stolen the real horcrux and I intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that for when you meet your match, you may be mortal again. R.A.B."

"So... What's a horcrux?" Erica asked.

"It's an object where a dark witch or wizard has a fragment of their soul hidden in an object, to keep them immortal. They can only make one if they commit murder which... Voldemort has. And in order to kill the dark magic user that created it, you need to destroy the horcruxes first." Parker explained.

"Isnt that just... Amazing?" Ron sighed.

"How many does Voldemort have?" Hermione looked at Harry.

"At least six." Harry shook his head,"Two have already been taken care of, the ring and the diary."

"Riddle's diary, of course." Hermione sighed.

"Well, four isn't that bad." Erica shrugged as an owl perched on the balcony next to her.

"Errol?" Ron blinked, taking the letter and handing it to Erica to read.

Erica gasped as she read the letter before clapping excitedly.It was from Bill, he was getting married to... Fleur Delacour.

"Ron! There's gonna be a wedding!" Erica hopped over to him.

"With who?" Ron raised his brow.

"Bill and Fleur~" Erica hummed.

"Fleur Delacour?" Hermione blinked.

"Mhm, did I forget to mention that they were a thing?" Erica spun around.

"Yes, you did.' Parker chuckled.

"Oopsie." Erica shrugged,"At least you know now."

"The wedding's before school. You all want to join?" Ron read the letter.

"Are you inviting us to your brother's wedding?" Harry asked.

"I'm not going to it myself." Ron nodded.

"Am I invisible now?" Erica crossed her arms.

"Other than you, Er." Ron chuckled

"That's better."

"We'd love to come." Hermione smiled.

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