Chapter 39 - Broken Bones and Broken Hearts

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Erica was headed off to meet with the Herd, they were just going to have some fun before Christmas.

"Hey Erica?" Hannah asked as Erica went to walk down the staircase.

"What is it now, Hannah?" Erica sighed, stopping.

"I just want to say... Go on a date with my boyfriend again? And you'll regret it." Hannah walked closer to her.

"Your boyfriend- Neville, isn't your boyfriend." Erica shook her head,"He doesn't even like being around you."

"He will, sooner or later. Have a nice Christmas Erica." Hannah crossed her arms.

Just as Erica was about to walk down the staircase, Max put his foot in front of Erica, causing her to trip down the stairs.

Erica landed at the bottom of the stairs and heard a crack. Almost instantly after that, pair flared up her arm.

"Maybe you should listen!" Max shouted down the stairs before he and Hannah ran off.

"Shit." Erica bit her lip as she staggered to her feet, clutching her wrist.

She definitely heard a crack, she needed to go to Madame Promfrey. Erica did her best to ignore the pain and not look at her wrist as she headed to the Hospital Wing.

That's where she saw Luna walking towards her.

"Oh hello, Erica."

"Oh- Hi Luna."

"What's wrong with your arm?"

"I just fell down the stairs, I'll be okay." Erica shook her head.

"Are you sure?" Luna looked at her arm,"It looks... Floppy."

"I'm just going to Madame Pomfrey, it will be fine."

"Would you like me to come with you?" She smiled.

"Sure, it would make me feel better." Erica nodded.

Luna hummed and walked with her. Erica smiled softly as they reached the Hospital Wing.

"Miss Weasley, what's happened?" Promfrey sighed.

"I fell down the stairs, I've just my wrist." Erica sighed.

"Falling down the stairs can't do that." Promfrey gently took her wrist.

"Well, I fell." Erica shook her head, deciding not to mention how she fell.

"How?" Promfrey looked at her.

"Okay, fine- Max tripped me and I fell down the stairs. Just don't tell people, I don't want them to get in trouble." Erica admitted.

"He tripped you?"

"Yes, he tripped me."

Promfrey sighed,"I may need to report-"

"No." Erica cut her off,"If he knows I told you, it will just make everything worse."

"What about if I tell your parents?"

"No, they don't need to worry."

Pomfrey tutted before she began to work her magic on Erica's arm. Erica looked away, she didn't want to bother everyone else with this.

After a while, her arm was in a sling,"Leave it like that for a few hours for the spell to kick in then it'll be good as new."

"Of course." Erica nodded.

"Now, you two girls have a nice Christmas." Pomfrey smiled.

"Thanks, Madame Pomfrey." Erica smiled softly.

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