Chapter 12 - Trouble already

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Erica skipped along with her trolley, not too fast so Parker could catch up.

"You're so fast." Parker panted.

Erica giggled,"I'll slow down more."

"Thank you." Parker nodded.

Erica hummed as she waited for Parker.

Parker finally caught up and got her breath back,"Much better."

"Right, we'll be late if we don't keep moving." Erica sighed.

"We can have a compartment together now." Parker smiled.

"Yay!" Erica hurried forward.

They had finally put their luggage on board, Erica said goodbye to her family before the two boarded and sat down in a booth.

"Hogwarts, here we come." Erica smiled.

"It'll be nice to get away." Parker lay her head back, the train beginning to move.

"Hang on... Where are Harry and Ron?" Erica sat up straight.

"Didn't they board with us?" Parker shrugged.

"No, they were behind us." Erica shook her head,"Did you see them on the platform?"

Parker thought for a second, sitting up,"I... I don't think so."

"Uh oh.."

"They... Should be okay, right? They'll get to Hogwarts?'

"Y-yeah, they'll be fine. Mum and dad will find them.' Erica nodded slowly.

"Your mum will be furious." Parker chuckled.

"As long as they stay calm and don't do anything stupid, they will be just fine." Erica smiled slightly.

"This is Harry and Ron we're on about." Parker reminded her.

"They're screwed."

"So screwed." Parker sighed.


Erica was sat at the Hufflepuff table, tapping her spoon against it. She was just nervous.

"God, Erica. Could you be any louder?" Hannah rolled her eyes.

Erica stopped and sighed,"Sorry."

Hannah sighed and looked at her,"Have I ever told you I don't like your short hair? It looks so... Weird on you."

Erica looked away,"And what was the need for that?"

"I'm just saying! It looks weird. You look like a boy."


"I don't want to be sharing a room with a boy." Hannah scoffed.

"But I'm not a boy." Erica sighed.

"The point is, you look like one." Hannah got up and sighed,"I'm going to Max."

With that, Hannah walked away from her.

"Hey Beanie." Cedric walked up and sat beside her.

"Cedric!" She smiled.

"I saw Ginny getting sorted." He hummed.

"Yeah, she's in Gryffindor." Erica nodded.

"Well, the best Weasley is in Hufflepuff." Cedric ruffled her hair.

Erica chuckled before stopping,"You... You like my hair, right?"

Cedric looked at her,"Of course I like it. You've got curls in all the right sections."

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