Chapters 13 - Petrified

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"How long has Harry's detention been now?" Ron kicked the wall.

"Uh..." Erica checked her invisible watch,"Too long."

"I'm sure they're doing good things." Hermione smiled.

"Probably boring things." Ron muttered, shaking his head.

"Good things." Hermione pointed.

"Boring things." Ron repeated.

"Don't argue." Parker sighed.

"Or do, just leave me out of it.' Erica rubbed her eyes.

"And me." Parker leaned against the wall.

Erica looked at Parker and leaned against the wall to. That's when they saw Harry, walking over to them, almost in confusion as he looked around.

"Oh, Harry!" Erica walked over to him.

"Did you hear it?" Harry turned to her.

"The voice." Harry stated.

"Hear what?" Erica raised a brow.

"What voice?" Ron questioned.

"The voice!"

"Harry, there weren't any voices here except us." Hermione shook her head.

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure." She nodded.

"I think he's going crazy." Parker whispered.

"Agreed." Ron whispered back,"Even in the Wizarding World, hearing voices isn't normal."

"It's nothing, Harry." Hermione assured Harry.

"I mean, with this school.." Erica trailed off.

"He's just going crazy after being with Lockhart for bloody four hours." Parker chuckled.

"I knew he was evil!" Erica pointed.

"He is not!" Hermione pointed.

"He is, look what he's done to Harry." Erica crossed her arms.

"I'm fine." Harry sighed as they walked down the hall, only to have Ron grab onto his sister and gasp.

"Huh- What?' Erica looked back at him.

"S-Spiders!" He pointed.

"Oh." She covered his eyes.

"You don't like spiders?" Parker raised a brow.

"Hates them, absolutely terrified." Erica sighed.

Parker bit her cheek as she walked forward, looking at the wall and tilted her head. The wall had... A message written on it and it was written with blood?

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware." Parker read out.

"Guys... What's wrong with Mrs Norris?" Erica asked.

"Mrs Nor- Oh my god." Hermione covered her mouth.

Mrs Norris... She was hanging by her tail just along my the message, not moving.

Students from different rooms came out, looking at what was infront of them. Whispers and gossip were being heard.

"Uh oh.." Erica grabbed Parker's wrist.

Parker looked around, only to catch eyes with Filch, pushing through the crowd.

"Let me through-" Filch then noticed Mrs Norris before looking diwn at Harry, "You... You murdered my cat... I'll kill you!"

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