Chapter 36 - Weasley's Wizard Weazes

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"Mum!" Ginny called up the stairs.

"Yes dear?" Molly answered from upstairs.

"When did Harry get here?" Ginny asked, looking at the trunk and cage.

"Harry who?" Molly walked down.

"Harry Potter." Ginny pointed,"Look, all his stuff is here."

"I think I would know if Harry Potter was in my house." Molly scoffed.

"Did someone say Harry?" Ron leaned over the banister.

"I did, nosy." Ginny looked up at him,"Is he upstairs with you and Erica?"

"Erica, is Harry in there?" Ron asked.

"Huh- Oh, no. Nobody's in here. Just me." Erica answered.

Ron sighed,"No, he's not. I'm coming down."

"I mean, it's not every day someone's stuff just... Appears." Ginny shook her head.

"Maybe his stuff came before him." Ron shook his head.

"Then where's he?"

"I don't know. He'll appear." Ron waved her off.

"You seem so concerned." Ginny nodded.

"Well, as long as I don't see a dead body, I'm okay."

Ginny shook her head as a knock came from the front door.

"I'll get it." Ron walked to the door.

There at the door was Harry, a little wet but he was there.

"Harry!" Ron laughed.

"Miss me?" Harry smiled.

"Course I did." Ron nodded.

"Can I come in?"

Ron moved out the way,"How's your stuff here?"

"Yeah, Dumbledore did that." Harry sighed.

"I wish Dumbledore moved my stuff." Ron muttered.

"And by the way, we're getting a new potions professor."

"We are?" Hermione walked down the stairs, she had gotten there a few days ago.

"Yeah... Slughorn, I think his name was." Harry shook his head.

"So... What's happened to Snape?" Ron asked.

"That's what's confused me, I don't know." Harry sighed.

"Maybe he finally got the position of DADA Professor." Ron suggested.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing though?"

"It depends what he's teaching." Hermione sighed,"Erica, come on down!"

"But why?" Erica asked, slowly walking down the stairs.

"Because Harry is here." Hermione nodded.

"Harry comes here all the time."

"Not happy to see me?" Harry chuckled.

"Of course I am, I'm just tired." Erica shook her head.

"You're always tired." Ron nudged her.

"Be shush." Erica nudged him back.

"You be shush." Ron hummed.

That's when another knock came at the door.

Harry turned and opened the door,"Parker?"

"Howdy, hey." Parker waved,"I... Do you think your mum would let me stay?" She turned to the younger twins.

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