Chapter 43 - Infiltration

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"We're close to Grimmauld." Parker got the keys from her pocket.

"And you're sure we'll be safe here?" Erica asked slowly.

"Hopefully... Only the Order knows about it."

"We'll double check once we're inside, make sure it's just us." Hermione nodded.

The Herd then walked to Grimmauld Place, opening it up and walking inside. It was cold and empty, no one had been here in a while... Not since Sirius' death.

"It's dusty.." Erica commented as she walked in.

"Not like anyone's been here." Harry sighed.

"Maybe there's some old clothes in one of the rooms we can nab." Parker nodded.

"I'll come with you." Erica nodded,"I'm getting sick of this dress."

"We'll have a look around." Ron told them.

"Be careful, you never know if something's been trapped." Hermione warned them.

Parker walked upstairs, walking towards a room marked, 'B.B.'

"Do you want to check there first?" Erica asked.

"Yeah... Besides, we might get some clothes."

Erica nodded slowly and gently pushed the door open, her wand raised slightly just in case.

Parker looked around the room,"Clear."

"That's a good sign." Erica began to look around, aimlessly searching for a light switch.

"There.' Parker pointed.

"Aha!" Erica flicked it.

The lights turned on to reveal a darkly decorated room.

"Bellatrix Black." Parker pointed to the door with a sigh,"Doubt there's any good clothes but... They might work."

"If it's all we have, I suppose." Erica shook her head and opened a wardrobe, littered with spiderwebs.

"Maybe not.' Parker quickly closed the door.

"Don't tell Ron this is here?" Erica turned to her.

"My mouth is closed."

"Let's steal clothes from somewhere else." Erica slowly backed out of the room.

"Maybe... A.B." Parker pointed to another room.

"If this was Bellatrix's... This must be Andromeda's, right?" Erica pushed the door open.

"Aunty Andi." Parker gave a small smile, turning the light on.

"She's nice." Erica nodded slowly as she looked around the more light-colored room.

"You can meet her one day." Parker nodded, opening the wardrobe.

"Ooh, that would be lovely."

Parker looked between the clothes, picking some before stepping back,"She has some nice clothes."

"They feel so comfy and I'm not even wearing them yet." Erica picked some out.

"She was the best sister, I assume."

"Definitely the nicest." Erica hummed.

Parker turned around and got changed, fixing her hair,"I'll grab some clothes for 'Mione. The boys will have to find a guy's room."

"Alrighty." Erica smiled as she got changed.

Parker grabbed an outfit for Hermione, giving a small sigh,"This is our life now.."

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